clipboard - 如何修复 Windows 上 VNC 中损坏的粘贴剪贴板

标签 clipboard vnc-viewer

在 Windows 上使用 RealVNC 时,我有时可以从 VNC 剪切并粘贴到 Window 的应用程序中,但有时它会停止工作。我怎样才能将其重置以便再次工作?我尝试过重新启动 VNC,但没有成功。


Many times you must have observed that clipboard operations like copy/cut and paste suddenly stops workings with the vncviewer. The main reason for this there is a program called as vncconfig responsible for these clipboard transfers. Some times the program may get closed because of some bug in vnc or some other reasons like you closed that window.

To get those clipboard operations back you need to run the program "vncconfig &".

After this your clipboard actions should work fine with out any problems.

在客户端上运行“vncconfig &”。

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