android - 在 Android 中推送通知?

标签 android notifications push

是否可以在 Android 中创建推送通知?我真正想要的是,每当我有话要对我的应用程序的用户说时,我希望“仅”在我有话要说时弹出一些警报对话框,例如“新更新现已上市,请更新您的应用”。有人可以指导我吗?


Android Cloud to Device Messaging framework (C2DM)。它需要 Android 2.2 或更高版本。如果您需要适用于以前版本的东西,Urban Airship有可能适合您需要的东西。这两个我都没有用过,所以我不能说它们是否好用。


Important: C2DM has been officially deprecated as of June 26, 2012. This means that C2DM has stopped accepting new users and quota requests. No new features will be added to C2DM. However, apps using C2DM will continue to work. Existing C2DM developers are encouraged to migrate to the new version of C2DM, called Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM).

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