image - 反转神经网络的目标

标签 image neural-network classification deep-learning inversion



我想知道你是否可以扭转这个: 给定一个神经网络及其神经元的权重,生成一组与网络分离的类别相对应的图像,即该特定网络能够很好分类的图像类型的原型(prototype)。

在我看来,它的工作原理如下(我确信这不是完全可以实现的,但只是为了让大家理解这个想法): 想象一个神经网络,它能够对包含猫、狗标签以及两者都不包含的图像进行分类。 我想要的是“逆”,即一张猫的图像、一张狗的图像和一个距离其他两个类“最远”的图像。 我认为这可以通过生成图像并最小化一个特定类的损失函数,同时最大化所有其他类的损失函数来完成。

这就是 Google Deep Dream 将其“梦想”可视化的方式吗?



Is this kind of how Google Deep Dream visualizes what it is "dreaming"?


One way to visualize what goes on [in a neural network layer] is to turn the network upside down and ask it to enhance an input image in such a way as to elicit a particular interpretation. Say you want to know what sort of image would result in “Banana.” Start with an image full of random noise, then gradually tweak the image towards what the neural net considers a banana (see related work [...]). By itself, that doesn’t work very well, but it does if we impose a prior constraint that the image should have similar statistics to natural images, such as neighboring pixels needing to be correlated.

Source - 整篇博文值得一读。

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