javascript - 如何在 javascript/vuejs 中复制对象

标签 javascript vue.js

我正在使用 js 对象,可以说:

items: [{text: 'text1', active: true},
{text: 'text1', active: true},
{text: 'text1', active: true}]


computed: {
   copyAndChange() {
      var itemsCopy = []
      itemsCopy = this.items
      for (var i=0; i<itemsCopy.length; i++) {
         itemsCopy[i].text = "something"
         console.log('text from items: ' + this.item[i])
         console.log('text from itemsCopy: ' + itemsCopy[i])
      return itemsCopy


text from items: something
text from itemsCopy: something
text from items: something
text from itemsCopy: something
text from items: something
text from itemsCopy: something


This code gives me in console:
text from items: text1
text from itemsCopy: something
text from items: text1
text from itemsCopy: something
text from items: text1
text from itemsCopy: something



您没有创建副本。您将对 this.items 的引用分配给 itemsCopy 数组。因此,您稍后会改变同一个数组。


itemsCopy = this.items.slice();


var obj = Object.assign({}, itemsCopy[i]);
obj.text = "something";
itemsCopy[i] = obj;  //replace the old obj with the new modified one.


var items = [
  {text: 'text1', active: true},
  {text: 'text1', active: true},
  {text: 'text1', active: true}

function copyAndChange() {
  var itemsCopy = []
  itemsCopy = items.slice();
  for (var i=0; i<itemsCopy.length; i++) {
    var obj = Object.assign({}, itemsCopy[i]);
    obj.text = "something";
    itemsCopy[i] = obj;  //replace the old obj with the new modified one.
    console.log('text from items: ' + items[i].text)
    console.log('text from itemsCopy: ' + itemsCopy[i].text)
  return itemsCopy


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