electron - 使用 Electron 构建器时如何将参数传递给 Electron ?

标签 electron electron-builder electron-packager

我正在使用 Electron 构建一个应用程序,并使用 Electron Builder 进行打包。当运行 Electron 时,我想通过这个command line argument: --enable-mixed-sandbox .




不行 due to :

Note that it is not enough to call app.commandLine.appendSwitch('--enable-sandbox'), as electron/node startup code runs after it is possible to make changes to chromium sandbox settings. The switch must be passed to electron on the command-line:

electron --enable-sandbox app.js

It is not possible to have the OS sandbox active only for some renderers, if --enable-sandbox is enabled, normal electron windows cannot be created.


enable-mixed-sandbox 不是有效的 Electron 命令行标志。请参阅here对于 Electron 的所有可用命令行标志。

关于electron - 使用 Electron 构建器时如何将参数传递给 Electron ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45288492/


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