vim - gvim 中的 <++> 是什么意思?

标签 vim latex

Possible Duplicate:
What does <++> mean in vim (latex-suite), and how do I jump there?

我的默认编辑器是 vim,但我将 Latex 套件改用了 gvim。每当我输入 $$它快速连续地添加了 <++>第二个之后$象征。这是什么意思以及如何禁用它?


来自Vim-Latex FAQ :

Q: What are those annoying «» characters whenever I invoke a mapping?

Those are called placeholders and when you get used to them, they will prove invaluable. They are essentially markers left in the text file to tell latex-suite where the next point of interest is. This lets you directly go to the next placeholder with a single key-press. Consider a working example. Pressing EFI will insert the following micro template:

     \centerline{\psfig{figure=«eps file»}}
     \caption{«caption text»} 

The text «eps file» will be selected and vim will be left in select-mode so that the user can continue typing straight away. After having typed in the file name, she can press Control-J (while still in insert-mode). This will take her directly to the next "place-holder". i.e, «caption text» will be visually selected with vim in select mode again for typing in the caption. This saves on a lot of key presses.

If you still do not feel like using placeholders, include let g:Imap_UsePlaceHolders = 0 in your .vimrc.

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