c - 如果我初始化一个结构但缺少一个元素,GCC 中是否有任何标志来警告我?

标签 c gcc struct warnings compiler-warnings


typedef struct foo {
  int a;
  char b;
  char *c;
} foo;


foo bar = { .a = 7 .b = 'x' .c = "hello" };


foo bar = { .a = 7, .c = "hello" };


有没有我可以传递给 的标志如果我犯了这样的错误,这会导致它生成警告吗?


使用“老派” ISO C 方式初始化结构(当不使用 -std=c99 编译时),gcc 默认会向您发出警告。除此之外,您需要设置的 gcc 标志是 -Wmissing-field-initializers 默认启用 AFAIK 这是 NOT 启用默认情况下,但作为 -Wextra 的一部分,正如 Michael Burr 在他的评论中所述,前提是您使用以下语法:

int main ( void )
    foo bar = {123, "foobar"};//failed to init char b member
    foo zar = {123, '\a'};//omitted c initialization 
    return 0;


warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast [enabled by default]
  foo bar = { 123, "foobar"};
warning: missing initializer for field ‘c’ of ‘foo’ [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  foo zar = { 123, 'a'};

The major downside to this is, of course, that it makes your code harder to read, and maintain... not an insignificant down-side IMO...

If you can, and if the overhead isn't too bad, I'd simply write a function. Especially considering you have a char * member field, which may require heap-allocated memory:

foo * init_foo(foo *str, int a, char b, char *c)
    if (c == NULL) return NULL;// no char pointer passed
    if (str == NULL) str = malloc(sizeof *str);//function allocates struct, too
    str->a = a;
    str->b = b;
    str->c = calloc(strlen(c) + 1, sizeof *(str->c));//allocate char pointer
    strcpy(str->c, c);
    return str;
//optionally include custom free function:
void free_foo ( foo **f)
    if ((*f)->c != NULL) free((*f)->c);
    *f = NULL;//init pointer to NULL


foo *new_foo = init_foo( NULL, 123, '\a', "string");//allocate new struct, set all members
//free like so:
free_foo(&new_foo);//pass pointer to pointer
foo stack_foo;
init_foo(&stack_foo, 123, '\a', "string");//initialize given struct
//only free .c member
stack_foo.c = NULL;

无论如何,在开发时,始终使用 -Wall 进行编译,并且为了安全起见,也使用 --pedantic...

关于c - 如果我初始化一个结构但缺少一个元素,GCC 中是否有任何标志来警告我?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21671347/


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