unicode - 使用 unicode 输入显示 "input too long"错误的最佳方法?

标签 unicode error-handling


我无言以对,但我找到了a quote that's more eloquent :

If the buffer runs over by three bytes, what do you tell the user? Three bytes could be one, two, or three characters that the user needs to trim. Depending on which characters they trim, the result might still be too long. And recall that the user's perception of "a character" is probably closer to a grapheme or grapheme cluster than to a character. So they might delete too many characters without realizing it. Finally, if the buffer limit is small (like 10 or 20), some languages like Chinese will be severely restricted on the number of characters permitted.

我面临的几个限制是,它是一个表单驱动的网站,并且底层数据库列的大小无法更改(引用页面建议使用 40 字节缓冲区并强制执行 10 个字符的限制)。




如果您不想在输入字段中使用复杂的 CSS,您可以在字段下方重现错误的输入并在那里突出显示它。

关于unicode - 使用 unicode 输入显示 "input too long"错误的最佳方法?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/669576/


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