android - Firebase 身份验证限制

标签 android firebase firebase-authentication

我正在开发一个 Android 应用程序,并使用 Firebase 身份验证让用户在我的 Android 应用程序中使用 Google 帐户登录。 Firebase 身份验证是否限制可以登录的用户数量?一次登录的用户数量有限制吗?提前致谢!


如果您只关心身份验证,不包括电话身份验证。那么这是 Firebase Pricing FAQ 的答案

all Authentication features beyond phone authentication are free.


Which products are paid? Which are free?

Firebase's paid infrastructure products are the Realtime Database, Storage, functions, Hosting, Test Lab, and phone authentication. We offer a free tier for all of these features.

Firebase also has many free products: Analytics, Cloud Messaging, the Notifications composer, Remote Config, App Indexing, Dynamic Links, Invites, and Crash Reporting. You can use an unlimited amount of any of these products in all plans, including our free Spark plan. In addition, all Authentication features beyond phone authentication are free.

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