android - 在 Activity 外使用 getAssets

标签 android

我尝试在我的 DatabaseHandler 类中解析一个文件,但 Eclipse 说:

The method getAssets() is undefined for the type DatabaseHandler


 public class DatabaseHandler extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 15;

    public DatabaseHandler(Context context) {
        super(context, "rettinfo", null, DATABASE_VERSION);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        Log.d("Create: ", "Creating antidotlist");
        String CREATE_ANTIDOT_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE antidots (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY antidot TEXT, dos TEXT)";
        Log.d("Create: ", CREATE_ANTIDOT_TABLE);

        InputStream antidots = getAssets().open("antidot/antidots");
        InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(antidots);
        BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader(input,2*1024);
        String line;
        while ((line = buffreader.readLine()) != null) {
            String[] point_t = line.split(",");




int i = 0;
InputStream antidots;
    try {
        antidots = mCtx.getAssets().open("antidot/antidots");
        InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(antidots);
        BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader(input,2*1024);
        String line;
        while ((line = buffreader.readLine()) != null) {
            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
            String[] antidot = line.split("#");
            int id = Integer.parseInt(antidot[0]);
            values.put("id", id);
            values.put("antidot", antidot[1]);
            values.put("dos", antidot[2]);  
            db.insert("antidots", null, values);                     
    } catch (IOException e) {


存储对从构造函数获取的 Context 的引用,然后对该引用调用 getAssets()。

public class DatabaseHandler extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 15;
    private Context mCtx; //<-- declare a Context reference
    public DatabaseHandler(Context context) {
        super(context, "rettinfo", null, DATABASE_VERSION);
        mCtx = context; //<-- fill it with the Context you are passed

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        Log.d("Create: ", "Creating antidotlist");
        String CREATE_ANTIDOT_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE antidots (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY antidot TEXT, dos TEXT)";
        Log.d("Create: ", CREATE_ANTIDOT_TABLE);

        InputStream antidots = mCtx.getAssets().open("antidot/antidots"); //<-- call getAssets on your Context object.
        InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(antidots);
        BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader(input,2*1024);
        String line;
        while ((line = buffreader.readLine()) != null) {
            String[] point_t = line.split(",");


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