.net - 将多个数组聚合为一个数组 (Linq)

标签 .net linq c#-3.0

我在将多个数组聚合成一个“大数组”时遇到了麻烦,我认为这在 Linq 中应该是可能的,但我无法理解它:(


public class DummyObjectReceiver 
  public DummyObject[] GetDummyObjects  { -snip- }


public class Temp
  public List<DummyObjectReceiver> { get; set; }

  public DummyObject[] GetAllDummyObjects ()
    //here's where I'm struggling (in linq) - no problem doing it using foreach'es... ;)

希望我想要实现的目标有点清楚 (作为额外的,我想通过 DummyObject 具有的 int 值对该数组进行排序... - 但 orderby 应该没有问题,...我希望;)



public class DummyObject {
    public string Name;
    public int Value;

public class DummyObjectReceiver  {

    public DummyObject[] GetDummyObjects()  {
        return new DummyObject[] {
            new DummyObject() { Name = "a", Value = 1 },
            new DummyObject() { Name = "b", Value = 2 }


public class Temp {

    public List<DummyObjectReceiver> Receivers { get; set; }

    public DummyObject[] GetAllDummyObjects() {
        return Receivers.SelectMany(r => r.GetDummyObjects()).OrderBy(d => d.Value).ToArray();



Temp temp = new Temp();
temp.Receivers = new List<DummyObjectReceiver>();
temp.Receivers.Add(new DummyObjectReceiver());
temp.Receivers.Add(new DummyObjectReceiver());
temp.Receivers.Add(new DummyObjectReceiver());

DummyObject[] result = temp.GetAllDummyObjects();

关于.net - 将多个数组聚合为一个数组 (Linq),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/781116/


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