polymer - 如何在Polymer中保持 NEON 动画的最终状态?

标签 polymer polymer-1.0

有没有办法保持 NEON 动画的最终状态?我尝试过使用 fill: 'forwards' 但似乎没有做任何事情。

    <div id="rect" style="width:100px;height:100px;background-color:red"></div>

  properties: {
    animationConfig: {
      value: function () {
        return {
          'hide': [{
            name: 'fade-out-animation',
            node: this.$.rect,
            // this doesn't work!
            fill: 'forwards'

基本上,我希望在 hide 动画完成后隐藏 div。你可以在demo中看到红色 div 淡出,但在动画结束后立即出现。




this._player.onfinish 内,请注意 this._player.cancel() 被调用。这个取消基本上

Set source to null and clears all effects associated with the previous source content.


最后,我向 playAnimation 函数添加了另一个参数,因此每当我需要强制维持结束状态时,我都会向该函数添加一个 false 标志像这样-

this.playAnimation('unloadCells', null, false);

这是迄今为止我提出的最安全的选项,因为它不会中断不同元素中现有的 polymer 动画。我确信 Polymer 团队将来能够提出很多解决方案,但目前这已经可以了。 :)

playAnimation: function (type, cookie, cancellable) {
  // default its value to true so existing stuff won't be affected
  cancellable = typeof cancellable !== 'undefined' ? cancellable : true;

  var allConfigs = this.getAnimationConfig(type);
  if (!allConfigs) {
  var allAnimations = this._configureAnimationEffects(allConfigs);
  var allEffects = allAnimations.map(function(animation) {
    return animation.effect;

  if (allEffects.length > 0) {
    this._player = this._runAnimationEffects(allEffects);
    this._player.onfinish = function() {

      if (this._player) {
        // when manually set to false, this._player.cancel() will be skipped 
        // so we get to maintain the end state for some scenarios
        if (cancellable) {
        this._player = null;

      this.fire('neon-animation-finish', cookie, {bubbles: false});

  } else {
    this.fire('neon-animation-finish', cookie, {bubbles: false});

关于polymer - 如何在Polymer中保持 NEON 动画的最终状态?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31692377/


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