Haskell - 查找未声明的变量

标签 haskell functional-programming


data AST = Nr Int | Sum AST AST | Mul AST AST | Min AST | If AST AST AST | 
Let String AST AST | Var String deriving (Eq, Show)


eval :: Env -> AST -> Int
eval env (Nr nr) = nr
eval env (Sum xs xss) = eval env xs + eval env xss
eval env (Mul xs xss) = eval env xs * eval env xss
eval env (Min xs ) = - eval env xs
eval env (If x xs xss) = if (eval env x == 0)
                then eval env xs
                else eval env xss
eval env (Let s xs xss) = eval ((s, (eval env xs)) : env) xss 
eval env (Var x) = case lookup x env of
    Just n -> n
    Nothing -> error ("Variable " ++ x ++ " is undeclared!")

如果有任何未声明的变量,我需要在解析时给出包含所有未声明变量列表的适当错误,或者在评估之前对 AST 进行后处理。我不知道从哪里开始。这是解析表达式的示例:

parse "let X = + 1 2 in * X + 2 - X"
    Let "X" (Sum (Nr 1) (Nr 2)) (Mul (Var "X") (Sum (Nr 2) (Min (Var "X"))))



If there are any undeclared variables I need to give an appropriate error containing a list of ALL undeclared variables either while parsing.

一个函数怎么样eval这将为您提供未声明变量的列表,或者 Int (如果没有未声明的变量)。

type Identifier = String

eval :: Env -> AST -> Either [Identifier] Int

我们需要将原始数字包装在 Right 中现在:

eval env (Nr nr) = Right nr

Var中声明的变量也是如此案件, 而未声明的变量被包装在列表和 Left 中:

eval env (Var x) = case lookup x env of
    Just n -> Right n
    Nothing -> Left [x]

对于Min在这种情况下,我们不能再否定递归调用了,因为 Either [Identifier] Int 没有定义否定.


eval env (Min xs ) = case eval env xs of
  Left err -> Left err
  Right x  -> Right (-x)

但这非常冗长,并且与使用 fmap 完全相同来自Either e的仿函数实例:

eval env (Min xs ) = fmap negate (eval env xs)

类似地 Sum ,我们可以对两个参数进行模式匹配:

eval env (Sum xs xss) = case (eval env xs, eval env xss) of
  (Left err, Left err') -> Left (err ++ err')
  (Left err, Right _)   -> Left err
  (Right _, Left err')  -> Left err'
  (Right a, Right b)    -> Right (a + b)

请注意,如果两个子项都包含未声明的变量,我们如何将它们连接起来以获取Sum下的未声明变量的列表。 。

对于其余的构造函数,这与我们需要的技巧相同。但是,我不想输入巨大的 case每次都是这样的声明。添加一点点就需要做很多工作!和IfLet将有八个案例!


apply :: Either [Identifier] (a -> b) -> Either [Identifier] a -> Either [Identifier] b
apply (Left err) (Left err') = Left (err ++ err')
apply (Left err) (Right _)   = Left err
apply (Right _)  (Left err') = Left err'
apply (Right f)  (Right a)   = Right (f a)

现在定义 Sum 的案例, Mul ,和If更容易:

eval env (Sum xs xss) = fmap (+) (eval env xs) `apply` eval env xss
eval env (Mul xs xss) = fmap (*) (eval env xs) `apply` eval env xss
eval env (If x xs xss) = fmap jnz (eval env x) `apply` eval env xs `apply` eval env xss
  where jnz i a a' = if i == 0 then a else a'


eval env (Let s xs xss) = fmap second v `apply` eval env' xss
  where val = eval env xs
        env' = (s,val) : env
        getRight (Right a) = a
        getRight (Left _) = 0
        second _ a = a

请注意,当第一项包含未声明的变量时,我们如何通过为第二项的环境提供虚假值来“欺骗”。因为我们不会使用任何 Int无论如何,在这种情况下第二项可能会产生值,这是可以的。


一旦您进一步了解 Haskell,您可能会注意到 apply看起来很像<*>来自Applicative 。我们不只是使用它的原因是 Either eApplicative实例没有按照我们想要的方式工作。它不会聚合错误,而是在遇到第一个错误时退出:

>>> Left ["foo"] `apply` Left ["bar", "baz"]
Left ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> Left ["foo"] <*> Left ["bar", "baz"]
Left ["foo"]

但是,有 Validation type from the either package它有一个完全按照这种方式工作的应用实例,所以如果您愿意,您可以使用它:

>>> Failure ["foo"] <*> Failure ["bar", "baz"]
Failure ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

一种可能使 Let 成为可能的方法比较简单的情况是更改 eval 的返回类型来自Either [Identifier] Int([Identifier], [(Identifier, Int)] -> Int) - 让它返回表达式中所有自由变量的列表,以及在给定这些变量的绑定(bind)的情况下计算表达式的方法。


data Result a = Result { freeVariables :: [Identifier], eval :: [(Identifier,Int)] -> a }


instance Functor Result where
  fmap f (Result is g) = Result is (f . g)
instance Applicative Result where
  pure a = Result [] (const a)
  Result is ff <*> js fa = Result (is ++ js) (ff <*> js)

并使用它们轻松定义一个函数来解析自由变量和 eval 表达式:

parse :: AST -> Result Int
parse (Nr nr) = pure nr
parse (Sum xs xss) = (+) <$> parse xs <*> parse xss
parse (Mul xs xss) = (*) <$> parse xs <*> parse xss
parse (Min xs ) = negate <$> parse xs
parse (If x xs xss) = jnz <$> parse x <*> parse xs <*> parse xss
  where jnz a b c = if a == 0 then b else c
parse (Let s xs xss) = Result ks h
  where Result is f = parse xs
        Result js g = parse xss
        ks = is ++ delete s js
        h env = g ((s,f env):env)
parse (Var x) = Result [x] $ \env -> case lookup x env of
  Just n -> n
  Nothing -> error ("Variable " ++ x ++ " is undeclared!")

关于Haskell - 查找未声明的变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46589051/


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