.net - Vb.net接口(interface),make方法只接受相同类型的实例作为参数

标签 .net vb.net generics types

我试图在我的 vb.net 接口(interface)中定义一个方法,该方法只接受从同一接口(interface)继承的对象,并且与接收方法调用的实例属于同一类。这在 vb.net 中可能吗?


Public Interface IFoo

   CompareStuff(Of T as sametype)(obj as T) as Boolean

End Interface


您正在寻找Curiously recurring template pattern

我对 VB 有点生疏,所以这里是用 C# 编写的

public interface IFoo<T>
    where T : IFoo<T>
    bool CompareStuff(T obj);


public class Foo : IFoo<Foo>
    bool CompareStuff(Foo obj);

查看this article埃里克·利珀特(Eric Lippert)介绍了这一点。特别注意他说的结尾:

My advice is to think very hard before you implement this sort of curious pattern in C#; do the benefits to the customer really outweigh the costs associated with the mental burden you're placing on the code maintainers?

关于.net - Vb.net接口(interface),make方法只接受相同类型的实例作为参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11307652/



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