.net - 从光标位置的文本框中获取文本.net

标签 .net winforms textbox cursor textselection


Hello or posit|ion or look





Private Function GetCurrentWord(ByRef txtbox As TextBox) As String
    Dim CurrentPos As Integer = txtbox.SelectionStart
    Dim StartPos As Integer = CurrentPos
    Dim EndPos As Integer = txtbox.Text.ToString.IndexOf(" ", StartPos)

    If EndPos < 0 Then
        EndPos = txtbox.Text.Length
    End If

    If StartPos = txtbox.Text.Length Then
        Return ""
    End If

    StartPos = txtbox.Text.LastIndexOf(" ", CurrentPos)
    If StartPos < 0 Then
        StartPos = 0
    End If

    Return txtbox.Text.Substring(StartPos, EndPos - StartPos).Trim
End Function

关于.net - 从光标位置的文本框中获取文本.net,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8465699/


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