Firebase 同时实时连接到我的数据库

标签 firebase firebase-realtime-database

我在 Firebase 中有免费飞机 - 我有 100 个并发实时连接。 但我不明白一件事: 现在,没有人连接到我的应用程序,并且在 Firebase 中 - 据记载我有 3 个连接。那是什么意思? 我一般有 100 个连接,还是最多 100 个同时实时连接?





A simultaneous connection is equivalent to one mobile device, browser tab, or server app connected to the database. Firebase imposes hard limits on the number of simultaneous connections to your app's database. These limits are in place to protect both Firebase and our users from abuse.

The Spark plan limit is 100 and cannot be raised. The Flame and Blaze plans have a limit of 200,000 simultaneous connections per database.

This limit isn't the same as the total number of users of your app, because your users don't all connect at once. If you need more than 200,000 simultaneous connections, please read Scale with Multiple Databases.

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