c# - 递归创建自定义复杂对象

标签 c# .net generics recursion reflection


public class Name
   public string firstName {get;set;}
   public string lastName {get;set;}

public class Address
   public string city {get;set;}
   public string state {get;set;}
   public string street {get;set;}
   public string zip {get;set;}

public class Customer
   public Name customerName {get;set;}
   public Address customerAddress {get;set;}
   public Guid id {get;set;}

假设客户位于我正在动态加载的程序集中:) 我想实例化一种 Customer 并填充其属性。 Customer 对象有更多自定义对象和 Guid 属性。如何使用递归来创建 Customer 对象及其嵌套对象。我在下面的一些代码中偶然发现了我应该使用递归的事实。

static object TraversePropertyInfo(object obj, Assembly assembly)

        foreach(PropertyInfo pi in obj.GetType().GetProperties())
            if(pi.PropertyType.IsClass && pi.PropertyType.Namespace != "System")
                if(pi.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType.GenericTypeArguments.Count() > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\tIList<{0}>", pi.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t<class>", pi.Name);
                    object child = Activator.CreateInstance(assembly.GetType(pi.PropertyType.FullName));  // create the child instance
                    obj.GetType().GetProperty(pi.Name).SetValue(obj, child);                              // set the child on the parent
                    // but the child can have children...
                    // I should be using recurrsion here 
                Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t{1}", pi.Name, pi.PropertyType);
        return obj;


void Main()

// Define other methods and classes here

public class Name
   public string Firstname { get; set; }
   public string Lastname { get; set; }

public class Address
   public string City { get; set; }
   public string State { get; set; }
   public string Street { get; set; }
   public string Zip { get; set; }

public class Customer
   public Name CustomerName { get; set; }
   public Address CustomerAddress { get; set; }
   public Guid Id { get; set; }

public static T Create<T>()
    var type = typeof(T);

    return (T)Create(type);

public static object Create(Type type)
    var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

    foreach(var property in type.GetProperties())
        var propertyType = property.PropertyType;

        if (propertyType.IsClass 
            && string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyType.Namespace)
            || (!propertyType.Namespace.Equals("System") 
                && !propertyType.Namespace.StartsWith("System.")))
            var child = Create(propertyType);

            property.SetValue(obj, child);

    return obj;

关于c# - 递归创建自定义复杂对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28814954/


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