javascript - Firebase 的云函数 - 使用 Promise 循环

标签 javascript firebase firebase-realtime-database google-cloud-functions firebase-admin


我正在尝试在 FOR 循环中使用 Promise,如下所示:

exports.boxScoresUpdate = functions.database.ref('/Tests/{id}/TestScores').onWrite(event => {

    let testScr = 0;

    for (let i = 1; i <= section; i++) {
        testScr += parseInt(nValue[i]);

        var index;

         admin.database().ref('TestScores').child(data.key).child('Summative').child(i).once("value").then(x => {

            xIndex = x.val();

        }).then(y => { 

                yIndex = y.val();

                 admin.database().ref('StudentPlacement').child(data.key).child(xIndex + ":" + yIndex).once("value", snapshot => {

                     // SnapShot
                     console.log("Student Placement is: ", snapshot.val());


        }).catch(reason => {

              // Handle Error


有人告诉我这不会像 post 中所示那样工作。 .

"Once a promise is resolved or rejected, it forever retains that state and can't be used again. To repeat the work, I think you'd have to construct another chain of new promises representing the second iteration of work."

我一直在尝试重组我的触发器,但我无法弄清楚,我将如何构建新的 promise 链来实现我想要的结果?!有谁遇到过并解决过这个问题吗?

我希望实现的行为是使触发器迭代四 (4) 次 section 等于 4。

我需要利用 promise ,否则迭代将无法正确完成,特别是 testScr += parseInt(nValue[i]); 以及对 Summative 和 Formative 的查找。

但如上所述,使用 Promises 工作得很好,只是它只迭代第一个实例,而不是当 i = 2 或 3 或 4



exports.boxScoresUpdate = functions.database.ref('/Tests/{id}/TestScores').onWrite(event => {

  let testScr = 0;

  for (let i = 1; i <= section; i++) {
    testScr += parseInt(nValue[i]);

    var index;

    admin.database().ref('TestScores').child(data.key).child('Summative').child(i).once("value").then(x => {
      xIndex = x.val();
      return { xIndex, index: i };
    }).then(({ xIndex, index}) => {
      admin.database().ref('TestScores').child(data.key).child('Formative').child(index).once("value").then(y => {
        yIndex = y.val();
        return { yIndex, xIndex };
      }).then(({ yIndex, xIndex}) => {
        admin.database().ref('StudentPlacement').child(data.key).child(xIndex + ":" + yIndex).once("value", snapshot => {
          console.log("Student Placement is: ", snapshot.val());
    }).catch(reason => {

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