powershell - 将物理设备 ID 与卷设备 ID 相关联

标签 powershell wmi disk san

我正在尝试通过 PowerShell 使用 WMI 来运行远程服务器上的 SAN 存储,以获取 Windows 磁盘管理卷标。

我发现执行此操作的唯一方法是将卷设备 ID (\\?\Volume{34243...} 与物理磁盘设备 ID (\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE01)。

但是,我一直无法找到如何将这两个字段链接在一起。这可以通过 WMI 实现吗?



Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive | ForEach-Object {
  $disk = $_
  $partitions = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
                "{Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($disk.DeviceID)'} " +
                "WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"
  Get-WmiObject -Query $partitions | ForEach-Object {
    $partition = $_
    $drives = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
              "{Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($partition.DeviceID)'} " +
              "WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"
    Get-WmiObject -Query $drives | ForEach-Object {
      $driveLetter = $_.DeviceID
      $fltr        = "DriveLetter='$driveLetter'"
      New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property @{
        Disk        = $disk.DeviceID
        DriveLetter = $driveLetter
        VolumeName  = $_.VolumeName
        VolumeID    = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Filter $fltr |
                      Select-Object -Expand DeviceID

否则它doesn't seem possible with WMI .

在 Windows 8/Server 2012 或更高版本上,您可以使用 Get-Partition不过 cmdlet:

Get-Partition | Select-Object DiskNumber, DriveLetter, @{n='VolumeID';e={
  $_.AccessPaths | Where-Object { $_ -like '\\?\volume*' }

关于powershell - 将物理设备 ID 与卷设备 ID 相关联,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35878166/


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