haskell - 类型同义词导致类型错误

标签 haskell

作为我上一个问题的后续Using makeLenses, class constraints and type synonyms together我有一个新类型的错误,我想了解一下。

类型错误是由下面示例中引入类型同义词type S = (Num n) => State n引起的。

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}                                                                                                                              
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}                                                                                                                                   

module Foo where                                                                                                                                              

import Control.Lens                                                                                                                                           

data State a = State { _a :: a                                                                                                                                
                     } deriving Show                                                                                                                          

makeLenses ''State -- Requires TemplateHaskell                                                                                                                

-- | Smart constructor enforcing class constraint on record field _a.                                                                                         
mkState :: (Num a) =>  a -> State a                                                                                                                           
mkState n = State {_a = n}                                                                                                                                    

doStuff1 :: Num a => State a -> State a                                                                                                                       
doStuff1 s = s & a %~ (*2)                                                                                                                                    

test1a = doStuff1 $ mkState  5   -- results in State {_a = 10.0}                                                                                              
test1b = doStuff1 $ mkState  5.5 -- results in State {_a = 11.0}                                                                                                                                                           

type S = (Num n) => State n -- Requires the RankNTypes extensions                                                                                             

doStuff2 :: S -> S                                                                                                                                            
doStuff2 s = s & a %~ (*2)                                                                                                                                    

test2a = doStuff2 $ mkState  5   -- Results in State {_a = 10.0}                                                                                              
--test2b = doStuff2 $ mkState  5.5 -- Type error.

如果我取消注释 test2b 我会收到以下错误。

Could not deduce (Fractional n) arising from the literal `5.5'
from the context (Num n)
  bound by a type expected by the context: Num n => State n
  at Foo.hs:32:10-32
Possible fix:
  add (Fractional n) to the context of
    a type expected by the context: Num n => State n
In the first argument of `mkState', namely `5.5'
In the second argument of `($)', namely `mkState 5.5'
In the expression: doStuff2 $ mkState 5.5



S -> S 不等于 forall n。 Num n => 状态 n -> 状态 n。它相当于 (forall n.Num n => State n) -> (forall n.Num n => State n)。前者意味着,对于所有数字类型n,我们可以传入一个State n并返回一个State n(对于相同的输入n)。后者意味着我们传入可以是所有数字类型 nState n 的东西,并且我们返回可以是 State n 的东西> 对于所有类型n。换句话说,参数和结果都是多态的。

这意味着您传入的参数必须具有类型 Num n => State n,而不是更具体的类型,例如 State Int。对于 5 来说是这样,它的类型为 Num n => n,但 5.5 则不然,它的类型为 Fractional n => n.

关于haskell - 类型同义词导致类型错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31772516/


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