flutter - Flutter 中的区分大小写

标签 flutter dart case-sensitive

由于 Dart 区分大小写,因此我期望所有 Flutter 都区分大小写。发现导入包通常不区分大小写

任何人都可以确认并链接到官方文档吗?我自己找不到明确的答案。还有其他不区分大小写的 Flutter 行为需要注意吗?我错过了什么吗?



查看 this issue 的评论


Windows doesn't care if a file is named Test.dart or test.dart. For Windows (and Dart on Windows), it's the same. However, when we copy the file over to Android, it is important that we distinguish between the two. For Android (and Dart on Android) Test.dart and test.dart are not the same!

但是它似乎已通过 this PR 修复

官方 dart 风格指南说用 lowercase_with_underscores 命名文件,找到文档 here 。最好遵循官方的命名风格指南,无论是文件、函数还是类。

查看官方风格指南here .


关于flutter - Flutter 中的区分大小写,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59980154/


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