vba excel if函数的条件数组

标签 vba excel

我正在使用 worksheetfunction.averageifs() 和 worksheetfunction.countifs() 函数。


If (dep = 0) Then
    sortspg = True
    colcount = .CountIfs(column, "<3", badCol, "1")
    If (colcount > 0) Then
        colavg = .AverageIfs(column, column, "<3", badCol, "1")
        insert = True
        insert = False
    End If
    colcount = .CountIfs(column, "<3", DepColumn, dep, badCol, "1")

    If colcount > 0 Then
        colavg = .AverageIfs(column, column, "<3", DepColumn, dep, badCol, "1")
        insert = True
        insert = False
    End If
End If


CondArray(column => "<3", DepColumn => dep)
If colCount > 0 Then 
CondArray[] = (badCol => "1")


.AverageIfs(column, CondArray)


您可以使用 For...Next 循环来设置公式和 Evaluate 函数来构建它。

Sub Build_Formula()
Dim i As Long, lOutput As Long
Dim strTempArr As String
Dim CondArray() As Variant
Dim StrFormulaBuildUp As String
Dim rng As Range

'Modify constant with applicable formula worksheet function
Const STRFORMULASTART As String = "CountIfs("

'Note used this for test data; edit as applicable
Set rng = Cells.CurrentRegion

'Build array holding conditions; the way the loop is structured is for
'the "COUNTIF" function; modify as necessary
CondArray = Array(rng, "<3")

'Begin loop to build formula
For i = LBound(CondArray) To UBound(CondArray)
    'Test if value in condition array is a range
    'if yes set the range address to a string
    If TypeName(CondArray(i)) = "Range" Then
        strTempArr = CStr(CondArray(i).Address)
        'If condtion, then add quote marks
        strTempArr = Chr(34) & CStr(CondArray(i)) & Chr(34)
    End If
    StrFormulaBuildUp = StrFormulaBuildUp & strTempArr & ","
Next i
'Remove extra "," from string and close formula
StrFormulaBuildUp = Left(StrFormulaBuildUp, Len(StrFormulaBuildUp) - 1) & ")"
'Determine forumla value
lOutput = Evaluate(StrFormulaBuildUp)
MsgBox lOutput
End Sub

关于vba excel if函数的条件数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15317466/


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