c++ - 使 QtConcurrent::mapped 与 lambda 一起工作

标签 c++ qt c++11

我正在尝试使用QtConcurrent::mapped进入QVector<QString> 。我已经尝试了很多方法,但似乎总是出现重载的问题。

QVector<QString> words = {"one", "two", "three", "four"};

using StrDouble = std::pair<QString, double>;

QFuture<StrDouble> result = QtConcurrent::mapped<StrDouble>(words, [](const QString& word) -> StrDouble {
    return std::make_pair(word + word, 10);


/home/lhahn/dev/cpp/TestLambdaConcurrent/mainwindow.cpp:23: error: no matching function for call to ‘mapped(QVector<QString>&, MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget*)::<lambda(const QString&)>)’

我看到了这个post ,这表示 Qt 无法找到 lambda 的返回值,因此您必须使用 std::bind用它。如果我尝试这个:

using StrDouble = std::pair<QString, double>;
using std::placeholders::_1;

auto map_fn = [](const QString& word) -> StrDouble {
    return std::make_pair(word + word, 10.0);

auto wrapper_map_fn = std::bind(map_fn, _1);

QFuture<StrDouble> result = QtConcurrent::mapped<StrDouble>(words, wrapper_map_fn);


/home/lhahn/dev/cpp/TestLambdaConcurrent/mainwindow.cpp:28: error: no matching function for call to ‘mapped(QVector<QString>&, std::_Bind<MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget*)::<lambda(const QString&)>(std::_Placeholder<1>)>&)’
 QFuture<StrDouble> result = QtConcurrent::mapped<StrDouble>(words, wrapper_map_fn);

我还尝试将 lambda 包裹在 std::function 内但不幸的是类似的结果。

  • 请注意,此示例仅用于重现,我需要一个 lambda,因为我还在代码中捕获变量。



QVector<QString> words = {"one", "two", "three", "four"};
std::function<StrDouble(const QString& word)> func = [](const QString &word) {
    return std::make_pair(word + word, 10.0);

QFuture<StrDouble> result = QtConcurrent::mapped(words, func);

qDebug() << result.results()的输出:

(std::pair("oneone",10), std::pair("twotwo",10), std::pair("threethree",10), std::pair("fourfour",10))

关于c++ - 使 QtConcurrent::mapped 与 lambda 一起工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43720869/


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