vba - Excel VBA 如何将 double 舍入为整数?

标签 vba excel

我试图了解在 VBA 中声明错误类型的变量时可能发生的错误类型。


Sub testTypes()

Dim test1 As Integer
test1 = 0.5

Debug.Print test1

End Sub

我故意尝试使用 double 字类型,以了解 VBA 如何将它们舍入(向上或向下)以使它们成为整数(假定数字以 0.5 结尾)


5.567 --> 6
5.5 --> 6
4.5 --> 4
3.5 --> 4
2.5 --> 2
1.5 --> 2
0.5 --> 0

谁能解释一下 Excel 如何确定向上舍入还是向下舍入?


为了避免所谓的银行家舍入(= 中点值 5 始终舍入到最接近的偶数),您可以使用

  • (1) WorkSheetFunction.Round
  • (2) 用户定义的函数。


(1) 使用 WorksheetFunction Round()

Sub RoundWithWorkSheetFunction()
' Purpose: avoid so called bankers' rounding in VBA (5 always rounds even)
With WorksheetFunction
    Debug.Print "WorksheetFunction.Round(3.5, 0)=" & .Round(3.5, 0), ":| VBA rounds to " & Round(3.5, 0)
    Debug.Print "WorksheetFunction.Round(4.5, 0)=" & .Round(4.5, 0), ":| VBA rounds to " & Round(4.5, 0)
End With

End Sub

(2) 工作表函数的替代方法(避免银行四舍五入):

Function roundIt(ByVal d As Double, ByVal nDigits As Integer) As Double
' Purpose: avoid so called bankers' rounding in VBA (5 always rounds even)
If nDigits > 0 Then
   ' if continental european colon instead of point separartor
   ' roundIt= val(Replace(Format(d, "0." & String(nDigits, "0")), ",", "."))
     roundIt = Val(Format(d, "0." & String(nDigits, "0")))
   ' if continental european colon instead of point separartor
   ' roundIt =  val(Replace(Format(d / (10 ^ nDigits), "0."), ",", "."))
   roundIt = Val(Format(d / (10 ^ nDigits), "0."))
End If
End Function

关于vba - Excel VBA 如何将 double 舍入为整数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46850958/


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