fiware - 如何在 Orion Context Broker NGSIv2 上创建高级订阅表达式?

标签 fiware fiware-orion

根据official documentation of Orion Context Broker NGSIv2 :

You can include filtering expressions in conditions. For example, to get notified not only if pressure changes, but if it changes within the range 700-800. This is an advanced topic, see the "Subscriptions" section in the NGSIv2 specification.

在 NGSIv2 订阅中,没有像 NGSIv1 那样的 notifyConditions ,它被 subject.condition 对象取代:

condition: Condition to trigger notifications. This field is optional and it may contain two properties, both optional:

  • attrs: array of attribute names

  • expression: an expression composed of q, mq, georel, geometry and coords (see "List entities" operation above about this field)




  • 可以将subject.condition.expressionsubject.condition.attrs结合起来。如果我设置并赋予不同的表达式,例如。 attr foo 带有表达式 'boo>10' 它将做什么?这会像 ORAND 一样吗?
  • 可以设置多个表达式。这会像 ORAND 一样吗?


注意:此问题与 Orion 版本 1.7.0+ 相关


我认为下面的例子,来自NGSIv2 Overview for Developers That Already Know NGSIv1演示文稿(当前版本中的幻灯片 34)可能有助于澄清。

Example: subscribe to speed changes in any entities of any type ending with Vehicle (such as RoadVehicle, AirVehicle, etc.) whenever speed is greater than 90 its average metadata is between 80 and 90 and the vehicle distance to Madrid city center is less than 100 km


POST /v2/subscriptions
  "subject": {
    "entities": [
        "idPattern": ".*",
        "typePattern": ".*Vehicle"
    "condition": {
      "attrs": [ "speed"  ],
      "expression":  {
         "q": "speed>90",
         "mq": "speed.average==80..100",
         "georel": "near;maxDistance:100000",
         "geometry": "point",
         "coords": "40.418889,-3.691944"

如本示例所示,您可以使用不同的条件(qmq、geoquery 等),并且它们以 AND 含义进行解释。 Morevoer、qmq 还允许以 AND 方式解释复杂表达式,例如:

"q": "speed>90;engine!=fail",

请注意,qmq 当它们出现在订阅 表达式 中时,遵循与它们出现在同步查询中时相同的规则(即GET/v2/entities?q=...)。 NGSIv2 specification 中的“简单查询语言”部分描述了这些规则。 .

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