sql - SQL中如何复制表避免游标?

标签 sql sql-server tsql sql-server-2008 stored-procedures

我想用 SQL 编写脚本,将这 2 个表(A,B)复制到其他 2 个表(C,D),其结构与 A,B 相应。


  1. 表 C、D 不必为空
  2. 多个进程可能同时调用脚本

表 A 具有表 B 的外键(fk_a_b)

   ________________________  _________________
   |        Table A       |  |   Table B     |  
   |______________________|  |_______________|
   | id     FK_A_B   name |  | id    visible |
   | ----- -------- ------|  | ----- --------|
   | 1      21       n1   |  | 21     true   |
   | 5      32       n2   |  | 32     false  |
   ------------------------  -----------------

假设将表 B 复制到 D 后,这就是我得到的结果

   |   Table D    |  
   | id   visible |
   | ----- -------|
   | 51    true   |
   | 52    false  |

现在,当我将表 A 复制到 C 时,我需要知道 ID=21 现在映射到 ID=51,ID=32 映射到 ID=52。最后,表C将是:

   |        Table C       |
   | id     FK_C_D   name |
   | ----- -------- ------|
   | 61      51       n1  |
   | 62      52       n2  |

因为多个进程可能同时调用脚本,所以我无法更改表 A、B 来添加一些辅助列。因此,为了实现这一目标,我使用了 CURSOR。我逐行复制表 B 和托管临时表,将 OldId 映射到 NewId(21->51,32->52),然后使用此临时表复制表 A。

我读到 CURSOR 是不好的做法。那么,还有其他方法吗?



您可以将输出子句与 merge 语句一起使用来获取源 id 和目标 id 之间的映射。 在这个问题中进行了描述。 Using merge..output to get mapping between source.id and target.id



-- @A and @B is the source tables
declare @A as table
  id int,
  FK_A_B int,
  name varchar(10)

declare @B as table
  id int,
  visible bit

-- Sample data in @A and @B
insert into @B values (21, 1),(32, 0)
insert into @A values (1, 21, 'n1'),(5, 32, 'n2')

-- @C and @D is the target tables with id as identity columns
declare @C as table
  id int identity,
  FK_C_D int not null,
  name varchar(10)

declare @D as table
  id int identity,
  visible bit

-- Sample data already in @C and @D
insert into @D values (1),(0)
insert into @C values (1, 'x1'),(1, 'x2'),(2, 'x3')


-- The @IdMap is a table that holds the mapping between
-- the @B.id and @D.id (@D.id is an identity column)
declare @IdMap table(TargetID int, SourceID int)

-- Merge from @B to @D.
merge @D as D             -- Target table
using @B as B             -- Source table
on 0=1                    -- 0=1 means that there are no matches for merge
when not matched then
  insert (visible) values(visible)    -- Insert to @D
output inserted.id, B.id into @IdMap; -- Capture the newly created inserted.id and
                                      -- map that to the source (@B.id)

-- Add rows to @C from @A with a join to
-- @IdMap to get the new id for the FK relation
insert into @C(FK_C_D, name)
select I.TargetID, A.name 
from @A as A
  inner join @IdMap as I
    on A.FK_A_B = I.SourceID


select *
from @D as D
  inner join @C as C
    on D.id = C.FK_C_D

id          visible id          FK_C_D      name
----------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------
1           1       1           1           x1
1           1       2           1           x2
2           0       3           2           x3
3           1       4           3           n1
4           0       5           4           n2


关于sql - SQL中如何复制表避免游标?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6174355/


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