Haskell:Lambda 函数 - 错误 - 逃脱其范围

标签 haskell lambda


module ComplexCompose where

isEven x =
 if x `rem` 2 == 0 then
  (True, "Is Even")
  (False, "Is Odd")

negateIt x = ( not x, "negated")

composer x =
 (c, b ++ ", " ++ d) where (a,b) = isEven x
                           (c,d) = negateIt a

对 Composer 进行以下修改可以正常工作:

composerV1 x f g =
 (c, b ++ ", " ++ d) where (a,b) = f x
                           (c,d) = g a


composerV2 f g =
     \x -> (c, b ++ ", " ++ d) where (a,b) = f x
                                     (c,d) = g a



 • Couldn't match expected type ‘t0 -> (t5, t4)’
                  with actual type ‘t3’
        because type variables ‘t4’, ‘t5’ would escape their scope
      These (rigid, skolem) type variables are bound by
        the inferred type of
        a :: t5
        b :: t4
        at complex-compose.hs:27:34-44
    • In the expression: f x
      In a pattern binding: (a, b) = f x
      In an equation for ‘c4’:
          c4 f g
            = \ x -> (c, b ++ ", " ++ d)
                (a, b) = f x
                (c, d) = g a
    • Relevant bindings include
        a :: t5 (bound at complex-compose.hs:27:35)
        b :: t4 (bound at complex-compose.hs:27:37)
        f :: t3 (bound at complex-compose.hs:26:4)
        c4 :: t3 -> (t2 -> (t1, [Char])) -> t -> (t1, [Char])
          (bound at complex-compose.hs:26:1)


fn f g = \x = g(f x)


如果我不在左侧写下 x

composerV2 会为我进行类型检查:

composerV2 f g x =
     (c, b ++ ", " ++ d) where (a,b) = f x
                               (c,d) = g a

问题在于,在 where 子句中,标识符 x 实际上不在范围内。错误消息有点令人困惑,但如果添加类型签名,就会变得精确,无论如何,这是一个很好的做法。

或者,您也可以使用 let 绑定(bind)。

请注意,composerV2 f g = let ... in\x -> ...composerV2 f g x = ... 在语义上是相同的,因为您可以部分应用第二个版本。

编辑:使用 let 绑定(bind)的版本如下所示:

composerV2' f g = \x ->
  let (a,b) = f x
      (c,d) = g a
  in (c, b ++ ", " ++ d)

关于Haskell:Lambda 函数 - 错误 - 逃脱其范围,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47747184/


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