android - 如何在 Intellij IDEA 中获取实时模板中的方法参数类型?

标签 android android-studio intellij-idea groovy live-templates

我想为 Timber logger 创建一个实时模板类似于默认的实时模板 logm 。它使用 Groovy 脚本来收集方法参数并用逗号分隔它们。例如:

public int func(int a, float b, Object c, String d) {


public int func(int a, float b, Object c, String d) {
    Log.d(TAG, "func() called with: a = [" + a + "], b = [" + b + "], c = [" + c + "], d = [" + d + "]");


def params = _2.collect {it + ' = [" + ' + it + ' + "]'}.join(', ');
return '"' + _1 + '() called' + (params.empty  ? '' : ' with: ' + params) + '"'

//Where _1 and _2 - default IDEA methods, in this case 
//_1 - methodName(), which eturns the name of the embracing method (where the template is expanded).
//_2 - methodParameters(), which returns the list of parameters of the embracing method (where the template is expanded).

问题是 Timber 方法需要参数的类型格式,例如:

int a = 5;
String s = new String("test");
boolean b = false;

Timber.d("%d, %s, %b", a, s, b);



尝试用光标在 % 类型上创建实时模板,并在使用此模板后填充它们

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