r - 在另一个角上绘制一个图形

标签 r graphics plot

我应该如何在 R 中的另一个图的角落呈现一个小图?




example plot



# Function to initialize a plotting area.
init_Plot <- function(

    # Initialize plotting area to fit data.
    # We have to turn off clipping to make it
    # easy to plot the labels around the plot.
    pushViewport(viewport(xscale=c(min(.df[,1]), max(.df[,1])), yscale=c(min(0,min(.df[,-1])), max(.df[,-1])), x=.x_Loc, y=.y_Loc, width=.width, height=.height, just=.justify, clip="off", default.units="npc"))

    # Color behind text.
    grid.rect(x=0, y=0, width=unit(axis_CEX, "lines"), height=1, default.units="npc", just=c("right", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))
    grid.rect(x=0, y=1, width=1, height=unit(title_CEX, "lines"), default.units="npc", just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(fill=space_Background, col=space_Background))

    # Color in the space.
    grid.rect(gp=gpar(fill=chart_Fill, col=chart_Col))

# Function to finalize and label a plotting area.
finalize_Plot <- function(

    # Label plot using the internal reference
    # system, instead of the parent window, so
    # we always have perfect placement.
    grid.text(.plot_Title, x=0.5, y=1.05, just=c("center","bottom"), rot=0, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=title_CEX))
    grid.text(paste(names(.df)[-1], collapse=" & "), x=-0.05, y=0.5, just=c("center","bottom"), rot=90, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=axis_CEX))
    grid.text(names(.df)[1], x=0.5, y=-0.05, just=c("center","top"), rot=0, default.units="npc", gp=gpar(cex=axis_CEX))

    # Finalize plotting area.

# Function to plot a filled line chart of
# the data in a data frame.  The first column
# of the data frame is assumed to be the
# plotting index, with each column being a
# set of y-data to plot.  All data is assumed
# to be numeric.
plot_Line_Chart <- function(

    # Initialize plot.
    init_Plot(.df, .x_Loc, .y_Loc, .justify, .width, .height)

    # Calculate what value to use as the
    # return for the polygons.
    y_Axis_Min <- min(0, min(.df[,-1]))

    # Plot each set of data as a polygon,
    # so we can fill it in with color to
    # make it easier to read.
    for (i in 2:ncol(.df)){
        grid.polygon(x=c(min(.df[,1]),.df[,1], max(.df[,1])), y=c(y_Axis_Min,.df[,i], y_Axis_Min), default.units="native", gp=gpar(fill=.colors[i-1], col=.colors[i-1], alpha=1/ncol(.df)))

    # Draw plot axes.
    grid.lines(x=0, y=c(0,1), default.units="npc")
    grid.lines(x=c(0,1), y=0, default.units="npc")

    # Finalize plot.
    finalize_Plot(.df, .plot_Title)




# Specify main chart options.
chart_Fill = "lemonchiffon"
chart_Col = "snow3"
space_Background = "white"
title_CEX = 1.4
axis_CEX = 1

plot_Line_Chart(data.frame(time=1:1860, EuStockMarkets)[1:5], .x_Loc=1, .y_Loc=0, .just=c("right","bottom"), .width=0.9, .height=0.9, c("dodgerblue", "deeppink", "green", "red"), "EU Stocks")

# Specify sub-chart options.
chart_Fill = "lemonchiffon"
chart_Col = "snow3"
space_Background = "lemonchiffon"
title_CEX = 0.8
axis_CEX = 0.7

for (i in 1:4){
    plot_Line_Chart(data.frame(time=1:1860, EuStockMarkets)[c(1,i + 1)], .x_Loc=0.15*i, .y_Loc=0.8, .just=c("left","top"), .width=0.1, .height=0.1, c("dodgerblue", "deeppink", "green", "red")[i], "EU Stocks")

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