sql-server - 使用 'where then Union' 或使用 'Union then Where'

标签 sql-server performance union rdbms query-performance


Select someFields
From someTables
Where someWhereClues
Union all
Select someFields
FROM some Tables
Where someWhereClues

Select * FROM (
    Select someFields 
    From someTables
    Union all 
    Select someFields
    FROM someTables
    ) DT
Where someMixedWhereClues

Note :
In both queries final result fields are same

但经过一些研究后,我对此感到困惑note :

SQL Server (as a sample of RDBMS) first reads whole data then seek records. => so in both queries all records will read and seek.

请帮助我解决我的误解,以及 query1 和 query2 之间是否还有其他差异?



select t.Name, t.type from sys.tables t where t.type = 'U'
union all
select t.Name, t.type from sys.objects t where t.type = 'U'

select * from (
    select t.Name, t.type from sys.tables t
    union all
    select t.Name, t.type from sys.objects t
    ) dt
where dt.type = 'U'

执行计划是: enter image description here enter image description here

both are same and 50%


SQL Server query optimizer ,优化两个查询,使您获得几乎相同的性能。

关于sql-server - 使用 'where then Union' 或使用 'Union then Where',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29099113/


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