sql-server - Excel VBA 到 SQL Server(无需 SSIS)

标签 sql-server excel vba

Excel 问题:用户单击按钮,VBA 解析输入文件,将数据放入电子表格的单元格中。然后,她将电子表格的副本邮寄给处理数据的人员。

我将用 SSRS 或 ASP 或 Sharepoint 替换它,显示来自 SQL Server 的数据。

为了在不中断当前进程的情况下完成此操作,我希望使用 Excel VBA,每次向电子表格写入一行时,还通过存储过程将其插入 SQL Server 数据库。

可以让它将 CSV 中的行写入文件以供以后 SSIS 导入,但我宁愿直接转到数据库。

我知道如何在 VB.Net 中执行此操作,但我从未在 VBA 中编写数据(经常将数据到记录集中但不写入)。

我更愿意将值作为参数传递给存储过程,但如果必须的话,我可以为每行生成较慢的 INSERT 命令。


对于 VBA,最容易使用的数据访问库是 ADO。添加对“Microsoft ActiveX 数据对象库”的引用,以便您可以使用 ADODB.* 对象。


...懒惰的方式(直接创建 SQL 语句,而不使用参数对象;这很容易受到 SQL 注入(inject)攻击):

Public Sub AddFoo _
( _
    strServer As String, _
    strDatabase As String, _
    strUsername As String, _
    strPassword As String, _
    lFooValue As Long _

    ' Build the connection string

    Dim strConnectionString As String
    strConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server}" _
                            & ";Server=" & strServer _
                            & ";Database=" & strDatabase _
                            & ";UID=" & strUsername _
                            & ";PWD=" & strPassword

    ' Create & open the connection

    Dim oConnection As Connection
    Set oConnection = New Connection

    oConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString


    ' Build the SQL to execute the stored procedure

    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "EXEC AddFoo " & lFooValue

    ' Call the stored procedure

    Dim oCommand As Command
    Set oCommand = New Command

    oCommand.CommandType = adCmdText

    oCommand.CommandText = strSQL

    oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConnection



End Sub

...或者正确的方法(处理所有参数的编码,因此不容易受到 SQL 注入(inject)攻击 - 无论是有意还是无意):

Public Sub AddFoo _
( _
    strServer As String, _
    strDatabase As String, _
    strUsername As String, _
    strPassword As String, _
    lFooValue As Long _

    ' Build the connection string

    Dim strConnectionString As String
    strConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server}" _
                            & ";Server=" & strServer _
                            & ";Database=" & strDatabase _
                            & ";UID=" & strUsername _
                            & ";PWD=" & strPassword

    ' Create & open the connection

    Dim oConnection As Connection
    Set oConnection = New Connection

    oConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString


    ' Build the SQL to execute the stored procedure

    Dim strSQL As String
    strSQL = "EXEC AddFoo " & lFooValue

    ' Create the command object

    Dim oCommand As Command
    Set oCommand = New Command

    oCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    oCommand.CommandText = "AddFoo"

    ' Create the parameter

    Dim oParameter As Parameter
    Set oParameter = oCommand.CreateParameter("foo", adParamInteger, adParamInput)

    oParameter.Value = lFooValue

    oCommand.Parameters.Add oParameter

    ' Execute the command

    oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConnection



End Sub

关于sql-server - Excel VBA 到 SQL Server(无需 SSIS),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1690622/


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