c# - dapper 缓存的 "information"到底是什么?

标签 c# caching dapper

在 Dapper 的文档中发现 here它指出:

Limitations and caveats

Dapper caches information about every query it runs, this allow it to materialize objects quickly and process parameters quickly. The current implementation caches this information in a ConcurrentDictionary object.

这到底是什么意思? 例如:它是缓存返回的数据,还是查询本身,还是两者的位?




Dictionary<Identity, CacheInfo> _queryCache



编辑:这就是 Identity 类用于缓存的方式。

private Identity(string sql, CommandType? commandType, string connectionString, Type type, Type parametersType, Type[] otherTypes, int gridIndex)
            this.sql = sql;
            this.commandType = commandType;
            this.connectionString = connectionString;
            this.type = type;
            this.parametersType = parametersType;
            this.gridIndex = gridIndex;
                hashCode = 17; // we *know* we are using this in a dictionary, so pre-compute this
                hashCode = hashCode * 23 + commandType.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = hashCode * 23 + gridIndex.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (sql == null ? 0 : sql.GetHashCode());
                hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (type == null ? 0 : type.GetHashCode());
                if (otherTypes != null)
                    foreach (var t in otherTypes)
                        hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (t == null ? 0 : t.GetHashCode());
                hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (connectionString == null ? 0 : connectionString.GetHashCode());
                hashCode = hashCode * 23 + (parametersType == null ? 0 : parametersType.GetHashCode());

这是 CacheInfo

class CacheInfo

            public Func<IDataReader, object> Deserializer { get; set; }
            public Func<IDataReader, object>[] OtherDeserializers { get; set; }
            public Action<IDbCommand, object> ParamReader { get; set; }
            private int hitCount;
            public int GetHitCount() { return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref hitCount, 0, 0); }
            public void RecordHit() { Interlocked.Increment(ref hitCount); }


static readonly System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<Identity, CacheInfo> _queryCache = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<Identity, CacheInfo>();


关于c# - dapper 缓存的 "information"到底是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9897750/


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