- 在 Linux 和 Visual Studio Code 中分析 dotnet core

标签 .net visual-studio-code .net-core

有没有办法在 Linux 和 Visual Studio Code 中为 dotnet 核心应用程序执行 CPU 和内存分析? 类似于Visual Studio 2017的“诊断工具”


Q: So, Visual Studio has profiling tools to help you optimize your .Net Core projects. I was wondering if this is possible to do on Linux or macOS.

REPLY: @doyouevensunbro, Visual Studio doesn't have any profiling tools that work with .NET Core on Linux. At the current time, we recommend collecting performance data on Linux using perf. Instructions are available at

We're also working on exposing a .NET-centric profiler using functionality called EventPipe in CoreCLR. There's not much documentation on the subject yet.


Profiling .NET Core app on Linux

There’re multiple tools to use out there, but the basic toolkit for profiling .NET Core app on Linux seems to be perf utility along with lttng and perfcollect. Let’s have a look at all of them.


Bringing .NET application performance analysis to Linux

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