android - onRenderProcessGone(WebView View , RenderProcessGoneDetail 详细信息) 示例

标签 android android-webview webviewclient android-8.0-oreo


  1. if (!detail.didCrash()) {} 中,实例变量“view”保证为 null,因此可以安全地重新初始化它。我应该自己重新初始化它还是系统会这样做?
  2. 您能否指定应用程序如何继续执行的逻辑示例?如何更优雅地处理崩溃?

        public boolean onRenderProcessGone(WebView view, RenderProcessGoneDetail detail) {
            // WebViewClient.onRenderProcessGone was added in O.
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
                return false;
            super.onRenderProcessGone(view, detail);
            if (!detail.didCrash()) {
                // Renderer was killed because the system ran out of memory.
                // The app can recover gracefully by creating a new WebView instance
                // in the foreground.
                Log.e("MY_APP", "System killed the WebView rendering process " +
                        "to reclaim memory. Recreating...");
                if (view != null) {
                    view = null;
                // By this point, the instance variable "view" is guaranteed
                // to be null, so it's safe to reinitialize it.
                return true; // The app continues executing.
            // Renderer crashed because of an internal error, such as a memory
            // access violation.
            Log.e("MY_APP", "The WebView rendering process crashed!");
            // In this example, the app itself crashes after detecting that the
            // renderer crashed. If you choose to handle the crash more gracefully
            // and allow your app to continue executing, you should 1) destroy the
            // current WebView instance, 2) specify logic for how the app can
            // continue executing, and 3) return "true" instead.
            return false;


我已经实现了这个方法,并且没有区分渲染器崩溃或被系统杀死。就应用程序而言,结果是相同的 - webview 无法使用,如果此方法返回 false,应用程序也会被终止。

我在 fragment/Activity 创建期间初始化的 fragment (或 Activity )中维护对 WebView 的引用和两个布局 Root View 。

        m_homeWebSwipe = v.findViewById(;
        m_homeWebView = v.findViewById(;

我的 WebView 是 SwipeRefreshLayout 的子级。布局 XML 并不重要,但作为引用,它是:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        android:layout_height="match_parent" >

这里的关键是 WebView 包含在 View 根部的布局容器中。

收到 onRenderProcessGone 事件后,目标是重新创建一个包含新 WebView 的功能 View (它将有一个与之关联的新渲染器进程)。

            public boolean onRenderProcessGone(final WebView view, RenderProcessGoneDetail detail) {
                // Renderer was killed or died, recreate the webview
                Log.e("HomeWebView", "web content rendering process killed - resetting WebView: " + view.hashCode());

                // Only handle our WebView
                if (m_homeWebView.equals(view)) {
                    // Get the parent container of the inflated layout
                    ViewGroup container = (ViewGroup) m_homeWebSwipe.getParent();
                    ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = container.getLayoutParams();
                    // Remove the inflated view from the container and cleanup
                    // the dead webview specifically (if it is not GC'ed it will cause
                    // problems later, the next time the renderer dies)
                    m_homeWebSwipe = null;
                    m_homeWebView = null;
                    // Reinflate the view layout and add it back into the container
                    View v = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.home_webview_screen, container, false);
                    m_homeWebSwipe = v.findViewById(;
                    m_homeWebView = v.findViewById(;
                    // Initialise webview here, same as when it was originally created                    
                    assert(getActivity() != null);
                    getActivity().setContentView(v, params);
                    // reload the displayed page, or load a new page here
                    return true; // The app continues executing.
                return false; // the app is killed

您可以通过安排 WebView 加载 URL chrome://crash 来测试 onRenderProcessGone 方法中的代码

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