haskell - 如何编写 attoparsec 的 takeWhile1 的更通用(但高效)版本?

标签 haskell parser-combinators attoparsec

Data.Attoparsec.Text 导出 takeWhiletakeWhile1:

takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text

Consume input as long as the predicate returns True, and return the consumed input.

This parser does not fail. It will return an empty string if the predicate returns False on the first character of input.


takeWhile1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Text

Consume input as long as the predicate returns True, and return the consumed input.

This parser requires the predicate to succeed on at least one character of input: it will fail if the predicate never returns True or if there is no input left.

attoparsec 的文档鼓励用户

Use the Text-oriented parsers whenever possible, e.g. takeWhile1 instead of many1 anyChar. There is about a factor of 100 difference in performance between the two kinds of parser.

这两个解析器非常有用,但我一直觉得需要一个更通用的 takeWhile1 版本,更具体地说,需要一些假设的解析器

takeWhileLo :: (Char -> Bool) -> Int -> Parser Text
takeWhileLo f lo = undefined

将解析至少 lo 个满足谓词f 的字符,其中lo 是任意非负整数。

我查看了takeWhile1's implementation ,但它使用了一堆 Data.Attoparsec.Text.Internal 私有(private)的函数,并且似乎不容易通用。


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import           Prelude                  hiding ( takeWhile )

import           Control.Applicative             ( (<*>) )
import           Data.Text                       ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text           as T

import           Data.Attoparsec.Text

takeWhileLo :: (Char -> Bool) -> Int -> Parser Text
takeWhileLo f lo =
  T.append . T.pack <$> count lo (satisfy f) <*> takeWhile f


λ> parseOnly (takeWhileLo (== 'a') 4) "aaa"
Left "not enough input"
λ> parseOnly (takeWhileLo (== 'a') 4) "aaaa"
Right "aaaa"
λ> parseOnly (takeWhileLo (== 'a') 4) "aaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Right "aaaaaaaaaaaaa"

但是打包 count 返回的中间结果列表的需要让我担心,特别是对于 lo 很大的情况......这似乎违背了建议至

use the Text-oriented parsers whenever possible [...]

我错过了什么吗?是否有更有效/惯用的方法来实现这样的 takeWhileLo 组合器?


Parser 是一个 monad,因此您可以只检查返回值,如果长度不正确则失败:

takeWhileLo :: (Char -> Bool) -> Int -> Parser Text
takeWhileLo f lo = do
  text <- takeWhile f
  case T.compareLength text lo of
    LT -> empty
    _  -> return text

compareLength 来自 text 包。它比比较text的长度更有效,因为compareLength可能会短路。

关于haskell - 如何编写 attoparsec 的 takeWhile1 的更通用(但高效)版本?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31146547/


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