python - 如何在贪吃蛇游戏中为蛇的 body 部位使用不同的图像? (Python、Pygame、蛇)

标签 python python-3.x pygame game-engine game-development


我目前正在使用 Pygame 开发蛇游戏,但我遇到了一个问题,因为我的蛇目前仅由方 block 组成,但如果蛇包含蛇头、 body 、尾部的绘制 25x25 图片,我会发现它会更好对于弯曲的 body 部分,这样当蛇改变其高度和方向时,该部分看起来仍然与蛇相连。

我还添加了一个示例图像,以便您可以更好地理解我所说的不同 body 部位的含义。

enter image description here



block_size = 25
black = (0, 0, 0)

# This function contains a list with the current coordinates of the snake head (coordinates) 
# and then draws rectangles of size 25x25 (block_size).

def body_segments(block_size, coordinates):
    for XnY in coordinates:
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, black, [XnY[0], XnY[1], block_size, block_size])

coordinates = []
snake_lenght = 0

# Game Loop
running = True
while running:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = False

    # Background
    screen.blit(BackgroundImg,(0, 0))

    # Check for a collision with the food
    if distance_SF() < 20:
        FoodX = random.randrange(50, 500, 25)
        FoodY = random.randrange(50, 500, 50)

        # Increase the Snake lenght
        snake_lenght += 1

    # I hereby create a list (HeadCorList) with the coordinates of the snake's head as elements
    # and then I attach these elements to the "coordinates" list.

    HeadCorList = []
    HeadCorList.append(headX) # headX contains the X coordinates of the snake's head
    HeadCorList.append(headY) # headY contains the Y coordinates of the snake's head

    # This makes sure that the growing body does not get too long.
    if len(segments) > snake_lenght:
        del segments[0]
    body_segments(block_size, coordinates)


我不知道如何解决这些问题,因为我不知道如何将图片而不是矩形附加到移动蛇的头部,因为我不知道如何将尾部附加到蛇 body 的末端因为我不知道如何实现弯曲的 body 部分功能,因为当蛇改变其高度和方向时,只有一个弯曲的 body 部分要插入。

我希望我能清楚地解释一切,因为英语不是我的主要语言,Python 3 是我的第一个编程语言,而这个游戏只是我的第二个程序。


首先,让我们将图像分成 4 部分,并使它们的大小相同。这将使我们的任务变得更容易:

enter image description here头.png

enter image description here正文.png

enter image description here L.png

enter image description here尾部.png

让我们使用基本的 pygame 游戏加载它们:

import pygame

def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 480))

    load = lambda part: pygame.image.load(part + '.png').convert_alpha()
    parts = ('head', 'body', 'tail', 'L')
    head_img, body_img, tail_img, L_img = [load(p) for p in parts]

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    dt = 0
    while True:
        events = pygame.event.get()
        for e in events:
            if e.type == pygame.QUIT:

        screen.fill((30, 30, 30))

        screen.blit(head_img, (100, 100))
        screen.blit(body_img, (100, 100 + TILESIZE))
        screen.blit(L_img,    (100, 100 + TILESIZE*2))
        screen.blit(tail_img, (100, 100 + TILESIZE*3))

        dt = clock.tick(60)


enter image description here


def build_images():
    load = lambda part: pygame.image.load(part + '.png').convert_alpha()
    parts = ('head', 'body', 'tail', 'L')
    head_img, body_img, tail_img, L_img = [load(p) for p in parts]

    return {
        'HEAD_N': head_img,
        'HEAD_S': pygame.transform.rotate(head_img, 180),
        'HEAD_E': pygame.transform.rotate(head_img, 90),
        'HEAD_W': pygame.transform.rotate(head_img, -90),
        'BODY_NN': body_img,
        'BODY_SS': body_img,
        'BODY_WW': pygame.transform.rotate(body_img, 90),
        'BODY_EE': pygame.transform.rotate(body_img, 90),
        'BODY_NE': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 180),
        'BODY_WS': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 180),
        'BODY_WN': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 90),
        'BODY_SE': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 90),
        'BODY_ES': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, -90),
        'BODY_NW': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, -90),
        'BODY_EN': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 0),
        'BODY_SW': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 0),
        'TAIL_N': tail_img,
        'TAIL_S': pygame.transform.rotate(tail_img, 180),
        'TAIL_E': pygame.transform.rotate(tail_img, 90),
        'TAIL_W': pygame.transform.rotate(tail_img, -90)


例如,BODY_SE 是当蛇的一部分朝东,但父级要向南移动时我们使用的图像。

现在我们可以开始实现我们的游戏了。由于我们使用的是 pygame,我将使用基本的 pygame 功能,例如 SpriteGroup 。让我们看看如何创建一些代表蛇的 Sprite :

import pygame

class Snake(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    images = None
    def __init__(self, grp, pos, length, parent=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.child = None
        if not self.parent:
            self.image = Snake.images['HEAD_N']
        elif length == 1:
            self.image = Snake.images['TAIL_N']
            self.image = Snake.images['BODY_NN']
        self.pos = pos
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(x=pos[0]*TILESIZE, y=pos[1]*TILESIZE)
        if length > 1:
            self.child = Snake(grp, (pos[0], pos[1]+1), length-1, self)

def build_images():

def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 480))
    Snake.images = build_images()

    all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
    snake = Snake(all_sprites, (4, 4), 6)
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    dt = 0
    while True:
        events = pygame.event.get()
        for e in events:
            if e.type == pygame.QUIT:

        screen.fill((30, 30, 30))


        dt = clock.tick(60)




import pygame

class Snake(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    images = None
    def __init__(self, grp, pos, length, parent=None):

    def move(self):
        # if we have a parent, let's look were it moves
        parent_direction = self.parent.direction if self.parent else None

        if self.direction == 'N': self.pos = self.pos[0], self.pos[1] - 1
        elif self.direction == 'S': self.pos = self.pos[0], self.pos[1] + 1
        elif self.direction == 'E': self.pos = self.pos[0] - 1, self.pos[1]
        elif self.direction == 'W': self.pos = self.pos[0] + 1, self.pos[1]

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(x=self.pos[0]*TILESIZE, y=self.pos[1]*TILESIZE)

        # move the child
        if self.child:

        # follow the parent
        if parent_direction:
            self.direction = parent_direction

    def update(self):
        # no parent means we're the head of the snake
        # and we should move we a key is pressed
        if not self.parent:
            pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            if pressed[pygame.K_w]: self.direction = 'N'
            if pressed[pygame.K_s]: self.direction = 'S'
            if pressed[pygame.K_a]: self.direction = 'E'
            if pressed[pygame.K_d]: self.direction = 'W'

def main():
    # let's trigger the MOVE event every 500ms
    MOVE = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
    pygame.time.set_timer(MOVE, 500)
    while True:
        events = pygame.event.get()
        for e in events:
            if e.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if e.type == MOVE:

enter image description here

太棒了。剩下的就是如果方向改变,实际改变每个 body 部位的图像。


import pygame

class Snake(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    images = None
    def __init__(self, grp, pos, length, parent=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.child = None
        self.direction = 'N'

        if not self.parent: self.image = Snake.images['HEAD_N']
        elif length == 1: self.image = Snake.images['TAIL_N']
        else: self.image = Snake.images['BODY_NN']

        self.pos = pos
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(x=self.pos[0]*TILESIZE, y=self.pos[1]*TILESIZE)
        if length > 1:
            self.child = Snake(grp, (pos[0], pos[1]+1), length-1, self)

    def move(self):
        # if we have a parent, let's look were it moves
        parent_direction = self.parent.direction if self.parent else None

        if self.direction == 'N': self.pos = self.pos[0], self.pos[1] - 1
        elif self.direction == 'S': self.pos = self.pos[0], self.pos[1] + 1
        elif self.direction == 'E': self.pos = self.pos[0] - 1, self.pos[1]
        elif self.direction == 'W': self.pos = self.pos[0] + 1, self.pos[1]

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(x=self.pos[0]*TILESIZE, y=self.pos[1]*TILESIZE)

        # move the child
        if self.child:

        if not self.parent: self.image = Snake.images['HEAD_' + self.direction]
        elif not self.child: self.image = Snake.images['TAIL_' + parent_direction]
        else: self.image = Snake.images['BODY_' + parent_direction + self.direction]

        # follow the parent
        if parent_direction:
            self.direction = parent_direction

    def update(self):
        # no parent means we're the head of the snake
        # and we should move we a key is pressed
        if not self.parent:
            pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            if pressed[pygame.K_w]: self.direction = 'N'
            if pressed[pygame.K_s]: self.direction = 'S'
            if pressed[pygame.K_a]: self.direction = 'E'
            if pressed[pygame.K_d]: self.direction = 'W'

def build_images():
    load = lambda part: pygame.image.load(part + '.png').convert_alpha()
    parts = ('head', 'body', 'tail', 'L')
    head_img, body_img, tail_img, L_img = [load(p) for p in parts]

    return {
        'HEAD_N': head_img,
        'HEAD_S': pygame.transform.rotate(head_img, 180),
        'HEAD_E': pygame.transform.rotate(head_img, 90),
        'HEAD_W': pygame.transform.rotate(head_img, -90),
        'BODY_NN': body_img,
        'BODY_SS': body_img,
        'BODY_WW': pygame.transform.rotate(body_img, 90),
        'BODY_EE': pygame.transform.rotate(body_img, 90),
        'BODY_NE': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 180),
        'BODY_WS': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 180),
        'BODY_WN': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 90),
        'BODY_SE': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 90),
        'BODY_ES': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, -90),
        'BODY_NW': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, -90),
        'BODY_EN': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 0),
        'BODY_SW': pygame.transform.rotate(L_img, 0),
        'TAIL_N': tail_img,
        'TAIL_S': pygame.transform.rotate(tail_img, 180),
        'TAIL_E': pygame.transform.rotate(tail_img, 90),
        'TAIL_W': pygame.transform.rotate(tail_img, -90)

def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 480))
    Snake.images = build_images()

    # let's trigger the MOVE event every 500ms
    MOVE = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
    pygame.time.set_timer(MOVE, 500)

    all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
    snake = Snake(all_sprites, (4, 4), 8)
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    dt = 0
    while True:
        events = pygame.event.get()
        for e in events:
            if e.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if e.type == MOVE:

        screen.fill((30, 30, 30))


        dt = clock.tick(60)


enter image description here

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