android - USB调试时启用SD卡?

标签 android debugging mobile

我正在开发一个手机应用程序,我正在使用操作系统版本为 4.1.2 的 Droid RAZR 对其进行测试

我需要手机能够使用其 SD 卡,并防止计算机将 USB 连接用作“大容量存储”连接,这会导致它接管 SD 卡(它只能安装到任一我的手机或电脑,而不是两者)。

您过去可以在“仅充电”模式下连接到计算机,这将使 SD 卡与手机一起保持 Activity 状态,但这似乎不再是一种选择。只有 Mass Storage(电脑使用 SD 卡)、Media Device(同理)和 Camera(同理)。

还有其他选择吗?也许有某种方法可以从 PC 端禁用大容量存储但仍保留 USB 调试?


看看这个线程 here .如那里所述:

Next, enable USB debugging by checking the “USB Debugging” item.

Finally – and this is the most oddball – you need to go back a screen, to Settings, and click on the Storage item. Up in the upper right of the screen are three tiny squares which represent the Jelly Bean way of doing a context menu. Click that, and a small “USB Computer Connection” item will appear. Click that. You’re taken to a new screen with two “Connect As” options.

Check “Camera”. Yes, because USB debugging requires the use of a camera (no, not really). It’s just a requirement. Something about the communication protocol or file transfer encoding or something. I don’t make this stuff up.

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