generics - nim 带有泛型的两个键表

标签 generics hashtable nim-lang

尝试在 Nim 中创建一个两键字典,其中值是用户指定的类型。

import Tables

  TwoKeyTable[T] = Table[string, Table[string, T]]

# initialize two key table
proc initTwoKeyTable[T](): TwoKeyTable[T] =
  result = initTable[string, Table[string, T]]()  

# check to see if keys k1 and k2 are in table
proc hasKeyPair[T](tkTable: TwoKeyTable[T], k1, k2: string): bool =
  result = false
  # check if first key is in table
  if not tkTable.hasKey(k1):
  # check if second key in the tables
  if not tkTable[k1].hasKey(k2): # 1st error coming from here 
  result = true

# add a value corresponding to the keys k1 and k2
proc addKeyPairValue[T](tkTable: var TwoKeyTable[T], k1, k2: string, val: T) =
  if not tkTable.hasKey(k1):
    tkTable[k1] = initTable[string, T]() # 2nd error coming from here
  tkTable[k1][k2] = val

var tkTable = initTwoKeyTable[int]()
echo tkTable.hasKeyPair("a", "b") # produces the 1st error


lib/pure/collections/tables.nim(249, 38) Error: type mismatch: got (Table[system.string,]) but expected 'int


var tkTable = initTwoKeyTable[int]()
tkTable.addKeyPairValue("a", "b", 1) # produces the 2nd error




作为一种解决方法,当 TwoKeyTable 不是通用的时,它可以工作:

import Tables

  TwoKeyTable = Table[string, Table[string, int]]

# initialize two key table
proc initTwoKeyTable(): TwoKeyTable =
  result = initTable[string, Table[string, int]]()

# check to see if keys k1 and k2 are in table
proc hasKeyPair(tkTable: TwoKeyTable, k1, k2: string): bool =
  result = false
  # check if first key is in table
  if not tkTable.hasKey(k1):
  # check if second key in the tables
  if not tkTable[k1].hasKey(k2): # 1st error coming from here
  result = true

# add a value corresponding to the keys k1 and k2
proc addKeyPairValue[T](tkTable: var TwoKeyTable, k1, k2: string, val: T) =
  if not tkTable.hasKey(k1):
    tkTable[k1] = initTable[string, T]() # 2nd error coming from here
  tkTable[k1][k2] = val

var tkTable = initTwoKeyTable()
echo tkTable.hasKeyPair("a", "b") # produces the 1st error

关于generics - nim 带有泛型的两个键表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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