eclipse - 如何在 Eclipse 中更改 SVN 存储库的凭据?

标签 eclipse svn subclipse subversive

我在 Windows 上使用 subclipse 安装了 Eclipse 3.4.2。另一位开发人员使用他的凭据添加了 SVN 存储库,并选择了“保存密码”。现在,每次我使用 SVN 执行任何操作时,都会使用他缓存的凭据。我怎样才能将它们更改为我的?


最佳答案 :

Usernames and passwords

Subclipse does not collect or store username and password credentials when defining a repository. This is because the JavaHL and SVNKit client adapters are intelligent enough to prompt you for this information when they need to -- including when your password has changed.

You can also allow the adapter to cache this information and a common question is how do you delete this cached information so that you can be prompted again? We have an open request to have an API added to JavaHL so that we could provide a UI to do this. Currently, you have to manually delete the cache. The location of the cache varies based on the client adapter used.

JavaHL caches the information in the same location as the command line client -- in the Subversion runtime configuration area. On Windows this is located in %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth. On Linux and OSX it is located in ~/.subversion/auth. Just find and delete the file with the cached information.

SVNKit caches information in the Eclipse keyring. By default this is a file named .keyring that is stored in the root of the Eclipse configuration folder. Both of these values can be overriden with command line options. To clear the cache, you have to delete the file. Eclipse will create a new empty keyring when you restart

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