vba - 在Excel VBA中实例化另一个类中的对象

标签 vba excel class subclass

我正在使用 Excel VBA 开发一个项目,其中有许多数据集,每个数据集都填充了许多“患者”,这些“患者”具有许多参数(例如治疗、结果等)。为了解决这个问题,我打算创建一个名为“病人”的类,具有治疗和结果等属性。然后创建一个名为“数据集”的类,其公共(public)属性为“病人”。我已经创建了类,并且可以实例化数据集对象。但是我该如何实例化患者对象,或者理想情况下是数据集对象中的患者对象数组?


Private pNumber As Integer
Public Patient As Patient

Public Property Get Number() As Integer
    Number = pNumber
End Property
Public Property Let Number(p As Integer)
    pNumber = p
End Property


Private pID As Integer
Private pTreatment As Boolean
Private pResponse As Single

Public Property Get ID() As Integer
    ID = pID
End Property
Public Property Let ID(p As Integer)
    pID = p
End Property

Public Property Get Treatment() As Boolean
    Treatment = pTreatment
End Property
Public Property Let Treatment(p As Boolean)
    pTreatment = p
End Property

Public Property Get Response() As Single
    Response = pResponse
End Property
Public Property Let Response(p As Single)
    pResponse = p
End Property


Sub main()

Dim data1 As Dataset
Set data1 = New Dataset

'code to instantiate array of patient within data1 here

End Sub




private colPatients as new collection

public function add(aPatient as patient)
  colPatients.add aPatient, aPatient.Id
end function

public property get count() as long
  count = colPatients.count
end property 

public property get items() as collection
  set items = colPatients
end property 

public property get item(vItem as variant) as patient
  set item = colPatients(vItem)
end property 

public sub remove(vItem as variant)
  colPatients.remove vItem
end sub 


dim patientCollection as patients
Sub main()

Set patientCollection = New patients

'code to instantiate array of patient within data1 here
IDs = Array(1,2,3)
treats = array("x","y","z")

dim x as integer
dim p as patient
for x = lbound(IDs) to Ubound(IDs)
   set p= new patient
   p.id = IDs(x)
   p.treatment = treats(x)
   patientCollection.add p
   set p = nothing
next x

End Sub

关于vba - 在Excel VBA中实例化另一个类中的对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35459305/


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