android - 如何配置 Eclipse 以在 Ubuntu 上使用 Phonegap?

标签 android eclipse ubuntu cordova


Phonegap = tool to make things such as HTML5/Javascript games into phones. It is pretty cool because desktop versions should work in phones without extensive redoing things for other platforms.

我可以找到一般说明,但是关于 Eclipse 的所有内容以及类似的东西。我找不到关于 Ubuntu 的字样,例如 here除非有很多 google 垃圾邮件,其中包含大量关于不同平台的令人困惑的线程,在这些平台上人们或多或少地互相欺负,例如 here使用诸如 google 之类的红鲱鱼。我希望有一些不错的 make -files 来做事,但没有,README 是阅读或多或少模棱两可的 Get-Started 的说明。所以:


  1. 在 Ubuntu 上哪里可以找到设置 Phonegap 的分步说明?

  2. 我希望在不同的平台上有一些概述。

  3. ADT 插件未安装在 Eclipse 中。为什么?

Android Eclipse ADT -problem

I can find here the instructions but cannot move forward for some odd reason, no instructions or help -text to proceed. You can see in the photo that it does not allow me to click OK although I am following the instructions. I wish I could do this on console!

enter image description here



AVP = Android virtual phone (you do not need all phones to test your code, use emulator)

ADB = application to push application from command-line to the phone

ADT -plugin in Eclipse = adding some buttons to Eclipse for things such as to add AVPs

ADT = Android Development Tools (not sure what they are actually, perhaps emulation-related things containing things such as linux kernels, APIs etc)


1. set up the development environment such as the Android SDK here.

$ wget

$ tar -xvzf *.tgz

$ ...follow README or some tutorial there...

I. Now go back to the Android SDK site where you can find the ADT Plugin for Eclipse here. The unclikable button becomes clickable if you search now with the search-bar for Android something. The ADT stands for Android Development Tools so install everything you get there under something tools or related.

II. Fix the @override -problem (shortly requires 1.6 compiler -compliance-level), more here.

III. Test your Android installation work by loading an Android Sample -file and then plugging in your phone (with USB -debugging enabled: Settings > Development > click) or use Android Virtual Phone (=AVP)

$ adb devices   # Shows your physics devices such 
                # as phones with USB -debugging enabled.

$ adb install ~/workspace/yourChosenSampleDemo/bin/*.apk 
                # Your first Android -app emerges to your phone, have FuN!

<强>2。使用以下设置 Phonegap:

  1. Some general instructions apparently here.

  2. iOS: you need Xcode so somewhat limited.

  3. Perhaps useful, source -code here and general download here.

使用 Eclipse 的 click-click-something,这些说明是极其不可访问的,可怜!在 Eclipse 的符号链接(symbolic link)上浪费时间后,我切换到控制台:

$ tree|less
$ search for the files needed, mark them done or use find -command directly ^C
$ copy the files to some dir such as ~/Android/Public so easier to do ^C
$ things at once ^C
$ pwd
$ cp ~/Android/phonegap-phonegap-475bfd2/lib/android/xml/* .
$ cp ~/Android/Public/cordova-1.7.0.js assets/www/
$ cp ~/Android/Public/cordova-1.7.0.jar libs/

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