java - .Net 的客户端和服务器环境是否不同?

标签 java .net performance


With client side applications, Java has better performance than .Net. The reason is that .Net environment on the server-side (iis?) is different than its client side. While Java uses the same environment at both ends. Since frameworks performance is optimized mainly on the service side, .Net client side is not as good as .Net server side or Java.

更新:我相信他还提到了.Net 方面的客户端(XP、VISTA)和服务器(Windows 2008 服务器)之间的区别






编辑:Java也有客户端和服务器模式。与 .NET 不同,它不依赖于操作系统,而是将其作为命令行参数传递。


编辑 2:来自 2000 年 12 月的 MSDN 杂志

On a multiprocessor system running the server version of the execution engine (MSCorSvr.dll), the managed heap is split into several sections, one per CPU. When a collection is initiated, the collector has one thread per CPU; all threads collect their own sections simultaneously. The workstation version of the execution engine (MSCorWks.dll) doesn't support this feature.


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