java - 如何在不使用集合的情况下返回多个值?

标签 java string methods collections return

我正在使用 Murach 的 java 编程教科书,在其中一个练习中,它要求我执行以下操作:

add this method (given by the book):

private static String displayMultiple(Displayable d, int count)

write the code for this method so it returns a String that contains the Displayable parameter the number of times specified by the int parameter.

Displayable is an interface that implements getDisplayText(). And this method just returns a String with instance variables of an object, i.e. for an Employee, it returns first name, last name, department, and salary.




  • 您有办法将 d 转换为字符串:getDisplayText。比如说,这会产生 "ABCD"
  • 您想要返回字符串 "ABCD"count 次。如果count == 3,则表示“ABCDABCDABCD”

有用的关键字:for循环StringBuilder 。您可以使用以下模板来开始使用:

String text = ;// Use getDisplayText here
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
/* Loop from 0 to count - 1 */ {
    // Append `text` to `ret` 
return ret.toString();


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