Django 模板循环交替行 - 无循环

标签 django django-templates

也许这是一个没有问题的问题,但是当您不在循环中时,如何使用 Django {% Cycle %} 功能或类似的功能?具体来说,我有一个手写的 HTML 表,因为它不是您需要在循环中执行的操作。我希望行交替,如下所示:

   <tr class="{% cycle 'even' 'odd'%}"></tr>
   <tr class="{% cycle 'even' 'odd'%}"></tr>
   <tr class="{% cycle 'even' 'odd'%}"></tr>



有一节专门讨论在 the docs 上的循环之外使用 cycle :

In some cases you might want to refer to the next value of a cycle from outside of a loop. To do this, just give the {% cycle %} tag a name, using "as", like this:

{% cycle 'row1' 'row2' as rowcolors %}

From then on, you can insert the current value of the cycle wherever you'd like in your template by referencing the cycle name as a context variable. If you want to move the cycle onto the next value, you use the cycle tag again, using the name of the variable. So, the following template:

    <td class="{% cycle 'row1' 'row2' as rowcolors %}">...</td>
    <td class="{{ rowcolors }}">...</td>
    <td class="{% cycle rowcolors %}">...</td>
    <td class="{{ rowcolors }}">...</td>

would output:

    <td class="row1">...</td>
    <td class="row1">...</td>
    <td class="row2">...</td>
    <td class="row2">...</td>

因此,在您的情况下,您只需声明一次,然后在每一行调用 {% Cycle name %}

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