vba - 如何在VBA中更改系列名称

标签 vba excel charts series

我正在使用 VBA 创建一系列图表(代码如下)。

我在将系列名称从系列 1 和系列 2 更改为当前状态和解决方案状态时遇到问题。


Object Variable or With Block Variable not set


但是,如果没有 srs1srs2 代码,图表就可以正常工作(只是系列名称错误)。


Sub MA()
    Dim Srs1 As Series
    Dim Srs2 As Series
    Dim i  As Integer
    Dim MAChart As Chart
    Dim f As Integer
    f = 2 * Cells(2, 14)
     For i = 1 To f Step 2
        Set MAChart = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart(Left:=750, Width:=400, Top:=130 + 50 * (i - 1), Height:=100).Chart
         With MAChart
         .PlotBy = xlRows
         .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
         .SetSourceData Source:=ActiveSheet.Range("Q" & 1 + i & ":Z" & 2 + i)
         .Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = 4
         .Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = 0
         .HasTitle = True
         .ChartTitle.Text = "Provider Load for " & Cells(i + 1, 15)
         'where errors start- works fine up to this point
         Set Srs1 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1) 
         Srs1.Name = "Current State"
         Set Srs2 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2) 
         Srs2.Name = "Proposed Solution"
         End With
    Next i
End Sub



     Set Srs1 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1) 
     Srs1.Name = "Current State"
     Set Srs2 = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(2) 
     Srs2.Name = "Proposed Solution"


     .SeriesCollection(1).Name = "Current State"
     .SeriesCollection(2).Name = "Proposed Solution"

您已经在 With block 中使用了 MAChart,因此您应该能够以与您所做的相同的方式访问它的 .SeriesCollection(x).Name 属性对于其他属性。

关于vba - 如何在VBA中更改系列名称,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31541179/


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