ocaml - OCaml 'underscore types'(例如'_a)是否会引入运行时类型错误/健全性违规的可能性?

标签 ocaml sml

我正在阅读一些有关标准 ML 中的值限制的内容,并尝试将示例转换为 OCaml 以了解它会做什么。看起来 OCaml 是在 SML 由于值限制而拒绝程序的上下文中生成这些类型的。我还在其他上下文中看到过它们,例如尚未“专门化”到特定类型的空哈希表。


以下是 SML 中被拒绝的程序的示例:

val r: 'a option ref = ref NONE
val r1: string option ref = r
val r2: int option ref = r
val () = r1 := SOME "foo"
val v: int = valOf (!r2)

如果您将第一行逐字输入 New Jersey repl 的 SML,您会得到 出现以下错误:

- val r: 'a option ref = ref NONE;
stdIn:1.6-1.33 Error: explicit type variable cannot be generalized at its binding declaration: 'a


- val r = ref NONE

stdIn:1.6-1.18 Warning: type vars not generalized because of
   value restriction are instantiated to dummy types (X1,X2,...)
val r = ref NONE : ?.X1 option ref


- r := SOME 5;

stdIn:1.2-1.13 Error: operator and operand don't agree [overload conflict]
  operator domain: ?.X1 option ref * ?.X1 option
  operand:         ?.X1 option ref * [int ty] option
  in expression:
    r := SOME 5

相比之下,在 OCaml 中,虚拟类型变量是可访问的,并且与它能够实现的第一件事相统一。

# let r : 'a option ref = ref None;;
val r : '_a option ref = {contents = None}

# r := Some 5;;
- : unit = ()
# r ;;
- : int option ref = {contents = Some 5}


1) 符合标准的 SML 实现是否可以选择使上面的“虚拟”类型可访问?

2) OCaml 如何在没有值限制的情况下保持健全性?它的保证是否比 SML 更弱?

3) 类型'_a option ref 似乎比'a option ref 的多态性要低。为什么 let r : 'a option ref = ref None;; (带有显式注释)在 OCaml 中不被拒绝?


弱多态类型('_ 样式类型)是一种编程便利,而不是类型系统的真正扩展。

2) How does OCaml preserve soundness without the value restriction? Does it make weaker guarantees than SML does?

OCaml 不会牺牲值限制,而是实现了一种启发式方法,使您无需系统地注释值的类型,例如 ref None 其类型仅为“每周”多态。通过查看当前的“编译单元”来进行启发式:如果它可以确定每周多态类型的实际类型,那么一切都会像初始声明具有适当的类型注释一样工作,否则编译单元将被拒绝并显示消息:

Error: The type of this expression, '_a option ref,
       contains type variables that cannot be generalized

3) The type '_a option ref seems less polymorphic than 'a option ref. Why isn't let r : 'a option ref = ref None;; (with an explicit annotation) rejected in OCaml?


# module A : sig val table : '_a option ref end = struct let option = ref None end;;
Characters 27-30:
  module A : sig val table : '_a option ref end = struct let option = ref None end;;
Error: The type variable name '_a is not allowed in programs


# let rec r = ref None and set x = r := Some(x + 1);;
val r : int option ref = {contents = None}
val set : int -> unit = <fun>

关于ocaml - OCaml 'underscore types'(例如'_a)是否会引入运行时类型错误/健全性违规的可能性?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38214363/


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