Java、Cucumber 和 Selenium : Problems with navigate(). to()

标签 java selenium-webdriver cucumber

在使用 Java、Cucumber 和 Selenium 的设置中:




org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting 
for e2e.navigation.NavigationSteps$$Lambda$260/975372289@202898d7 (tried 
for 40 second(s) with 500 milliseconds interval)

cucumber 步骤:

And I navigate to the decision list for the "case"


@When("^I navigate to the decision list for the \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void INavigateToDecisionListFor(String case) throws Throwable {
    long caseId = ScenarioState.getCaseId(case);


    // It looks like this code is executed before the page navigation 
    // (above) is executed, hence making the test hang here looking for 
    // the elements on the
    // target page:

    Browser.Wait().ignoring(WebDriverException.class).until(webDriver -> 
        WebElement enabledButton = null;
        WebElement disabledButton = null;
        try {
            enabledButton = webDriver.findElement("opprett-
        } catch (NoSuchElementException ignore) {  }
        try {
            disabledButton = webDriver.findElement("opprett-
        } catch (NoSuchElementException ignore) {  }

        return enabledButton != null || disabledButton != null;

public void navigateTto(long vased) {
    driver.navigate().to(Config.getSimulatedUrl() + "/#/case/" + cased + 


在排除故障时,我尝试添加额外的等待并用 driver.get() 替换 driver.navigate.To(),但没有成功。还是经常失败。


driver.navigate().to(Config.getSimulatedUrl() + "/#/case/" + cased + 
driver.navigate().to(Config.getSimulatedUrl() + "/#/case/" + cased + 

我已经手动运行了 30-40 次测试,并且上述解决方案没有失败。但这只是一种愚蠢的方法。

所以我想知道的是:在继续执行之前最好等待以确保 driver.navigate.To() 实际执行?我认为 driver.get() 是实现这一目标的方法,但这同样肯定会失败。



更新 还有一个用于导航到该页面的链接按钮。当我使用它时,它似乎一直有效。但这有点更糟糕;当它与链接一起使用时,为什么它不能与 navigation().to() 一起使用(除非我做了两次)?


    After reviewing your code, I hope you are using Scenario Outline concept of cucumber to run the same test case with multiple cases like below:

    Scenario Outline:
    When I navigate to the decision list for the "<code>"

    In your code, you are performing navigation and validation whether the expected elements are displaying on the loaded page or not in single step. Instead you can try in this in two steps to overcome navigational issues to the right coded url:

    -- feature file

    Scenario Outline:
    When I navigate to the decision list for the "<code>"
    Then I perform validation on loaded page

    --spec file

     @When("^I navigate to the decision list for the \"([^\"]*)\"$")
     public void INavigateToDecisionListFor(String case) {
           long caseId = ScenarioState.getCaseId(case);
           DecisionListPage.navigerTil(caseId );
     // Above step will navigates you to the specific case page

    @Then("^I perform validation on loaded page"$)
    public boolean performValidation() throws Throwable {

        WebElement enabledButton = null;
        WebElement disabledButton = null;
        try {
            enabledButton = webDriver.findElement("opprett-
        } catch (Exception ignore) {  }
        try {
            disabledButton = webDriver.findElement("opprett-
        } catch (Exception ignore) {  }

        return enabledButton != null || disabledButton != null;
    // above step will perform validations for you

    public static void navigerTil(long caseId ) {
        driver.navigate().to(Config.getSimulatedUrl() + "/#/case/" + caseId + 

Do these changes in your code and run it once. I hope, this process will resolve this issue.

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