android - 安装应用程序需要几分钟时间,并出现 dex2oat 警告

标签 android android-studio dex android-multidex dex2oat

我在相当长的一段时间后重新打开了一个 Android Studio 项目,并且我看到像往常一样快速构建,但现在 Android Studio (3.5) 的“安装”步骤需要几分钟,而过去需要几秒钟.

如果我在安装时打开设备 Logcat,我可以看到大量这些内容:

W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.onSaveInstanceState(android.os.Bundle)
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.onViewCreated(android.view.View, android.os.Bundle)
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.onViewModelCreated()
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.removeCancelListener(com.package.base.view.BaseDialog$CancelListener)
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.removeDismissListener(com.package.base.view.BaseDialog$DismissListener)
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.setChildFragmentInjector(
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.setSharedValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.setViewModelFactory(androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider$Factory)
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: com.package.base.view.BaseDialog.supportFragmentInjector()
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 647(112KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 60us total 250.774ms
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 446(29KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 60us total 252.704ms
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 396(13KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 67us total 257.367ms
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 413(13KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 68us total 258.540ms
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 413(13KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 64us total 253.988ms
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 413(13KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 61us total 258.701ms
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 413(13KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 60us total 255.313ms
I/dex2oat: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 419(45KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 60us total 261.034ms
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseFragment.<init>()
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseFragment.applyStatusBar(com.package.base.view.BaseFragment$StatusBar)
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseFragment.dispatchOnStatusBar()
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseFragment.restoreStatusBar(
W/dex2oat: Method processed more than once: void com.package.base.view.BaseFragment.saveStatusBar(




在 dex2oat 开始这个很长的过程之前,我可以看到以下日志:

W/dex2oat: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
W/dex2oat: Mismatch between dex2oat instruction set features (ISA: X86 Feature string: -ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2,-popcnt) and those of dex2oat executable (ISA: X86 Feature string: ssse3,-sse4.1,-sse4.2,-avx,-avx2,-popcnt) for the command line:
W/dex2oat: /system/bin/dex2oat --zip-fd=8 --zip-location=base.apk --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=10 --oat-fd=9 --oat-location=/data/app/com.package-7KbZxh8JQyXUOcSGvv-5hA==/oat/x86/base.odex --instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-variant=x86 --instruction-set-features=default --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=quicken --swap-fd=11 --debuggable --classpath-dir=/data/app/com.package-7KbZxh8JQyXUOcSGvv-5hA== --class-loader-context=PCL[]
I/dex2oat: /system/bin/dex2oat --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=10 --compiler-filter=quicken --debuggable --classpath-dir=/data/app/com.package-7KbZxh8JQyXUOcSGvv-5hA== --class-loader-context=PCL[]
I/dex2oat: Large app, accepted running with swap.


这是应用程序模块的 build.gradle 的一部分。这是一个多模块项目,但其他文件非常相似。

android {


    defaultConfig {
        applicationId = "com.package"
        versionCode = 7
        versionName = "0.2.0"
        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
        renderscriptTargetApi = 24
        renderscriptSupportModeEnabled = true
        multiDexEnabled = true

        testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
        testInstrumentationRunnerArgument("clearPackageData", "true")

    signingConfigs {
        create("release") {
            // signing stuff

    testOptions {
        // execution = "ANDROIDX_TEST_ORCHESTRATOR"

    buildTypes {
        getByName("release") {
            signingConfig = signingConfigs.getByName("release")
            isShrinkResources = true
            isMinifyEnabled = true
        getByName("debug") {
            versionNameSuffix = "-debug"
            // Hoping that this should speed up builds due to multidexing

    dataBinding.isEnabled = true
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

使用 vmSafeMode="true"时的 aapt 输出

运行./Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/29.0.2/aapt list -a app-debug.apk时的输出很大,仅粘贴相关部分:

E: application (line=57)
  A: android:theme(0x01010000)=@0x7f11014c
  A: android:label(0x01010001)=@0x7f100002
  A: android:icon(0x01010002)=@0x7f0e0001
  A: android:name(0x01010003)="com.package.App" (Raw: "com.package.App")
  A: android:debuggable(0x0101000f)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
  A: android:allowBackup(0x01010280)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
  A: android:vmSafeMode(0x010102b8)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
  A: android:supportsRtl(0x010103af)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
  A: android:appComponentFactory(0x0101057a)="" (Raw: "")



在设备上 安装时缓存构建(使用 dex2oat ),即应用程序之后在您的构建机器上构建:

dex2oat 警告

这是W/dex2oat:方法处理多次的地方:警告来自 android.googlesource在文件verification_results.cc中方法WriterMutexLock mu()

  WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), verified_methods_lock_);
  auto it = verified_methods_.find(ref);
  if (it != verified_methods_.end()) {
    // TODO: Investigate why are we doing the work again for this method and try to avoid it.
    LOG(WARNING) << "Method processed more than once: " << ref.PrettyMethod();
    if (!Runtime::Current()->UseJitCompilation()) {
      DCHECK_EQ(it->second->GetDevirtMap().size(), verified_method->GetDevirtMap().size());
      DCHECK_EQ(it->second->GetSafeCastSet().size(), verified_method->GetSafeCastSet().size());
    // Delete the new verified method since there was already an existing one registered. It
    // is unsafe to replace the existing one since the JIT may be using it to generate a
    // native GC map.
    delete verified_method;


// TODO: Investigate why are we doing the work again for this method and try to avoid it.



I/dex2oat: Large app, accepted running with swap.

表明 dex2oat 已检测到大型应用程序,并且将进行交换(swapping 非常慢,RAM 复制到存储,然后再返回)。


(1) 减小应用大小

精简您的应用程序!请参阅Reduce your app size .

(2) 禁用 ART

ref1 创建一个 最小 …/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml 文件:

 <application android:vmSafeMode="true" />

ref2 android:vmSafeMode

Indicates whether the app would like the virtual machine (VM) to operate in safe mode. The default value is "false".

This attribute was added in API level 8 where a value of "true" disabled the Dalvik just-in-time (JIT) compiler.

This attribute was adapted in API level 22 where a value of "true" disabled the ART ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler. When vmSafeMode is set to true this process will be executed with the following argument:

(3) 后期手动参数插入 adb shell :

/system/bin/dex2oat ... --compiler-filter=interpret-only


 /system/bin/dex2oat --zip-fd=8 --zip-location=base.apk --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=10 --oat-fd=9 --oat-location=/data/app/com.package-7KbZxh8JQyXUOcSGvv-5hA==/oat/x86/base.odex --instruction-set=x86 --instruction-set-variant=x86 --instruction-set-features=default --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m --compiler-filter=quicken --swap-fd=11 --debuggable --classpath-dir=/data/app/com.package-7KbZxh8JQyXUOcSGvv-5hA== --class-loader-context=PCL[]


 /system/bin/dex2oat --input-vdex-fd=-1 --output-vdex-fd=10 --compiler-filter=quicken --debuggable --classpath-dir=/data/app/com.package-7KbZxh8JQyXUOcSGvv-5hA== --class-loader-context=PCL[]

(4) 删除任务

尝试通过关闭不需要的应用程序(或使用类似 Greenify )来在安装时最大化可用 RAM。

(5) 尝试使用Instant run

  • 仅构建和部署增量更改
  • 请勿重新安装该应用。
  • 不要重新启动应用。
  • 甚至不要重新启动 Activity。


Another method for determining if vmSafeMode is set for a given APK is to use the aapt.exe tool. You will find the aapt tool in the build-tools folder of the Android SDK, which differs in location based on your chosen OS. You will probably have several different versions installed and will find it in a location such as:



aapt list -a myapkfile.apk


Android manifest:
N: android=
  E: manifest (line=17)
    A: android:versionCode(0x0101021b)=(type 0x10)0x1
    A: android:versionName(0x0101021c)="1.0" (Raw: "1.0")
    A: package="com.testing.sample.myapp" (Raw: "com.testing.sample.myapp")
    A: platformBuildVersionCode=(type 0x10)0x16 (Raw: "22")         <---NOTE
    A: platformBuildVersionName="5.1.1-1819727" (Raw: "5.1.1-1819727")
    E: uses-sdk (line=22)
      A: android:minSdkVersion(0x0101020c)=(type 0x10)0x15
      A: android:targetSdkVersion(0x01010270)=(type 0x10)0x16
    E: application (line=26)
      A: android:label(0x01010001)=@0x7f0b0001
      A: android:icon(0x01010002)=@0x7f030000
      A: android:debuggable(0x0101000f)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff
      A: android:vmSafeMode(0x010102b8)=(type 0x12)0xffffffff

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