sql - 分析大图 - 检索簇并计算最强路径

标签 sql graph-theory social-networking


CREATE PROCEDURE Breadth_First (@StartNode varchar(50), @LinkStrength decimal(10,7) = 0.1, @EndNode varchar(50) = NULL)
        -- Automatically rollback the transaction if something goes wrong.   
        SET XACT_ABORT ON   
        BEGIN TRAN

        -- Increase performance and do not intefere with the results.

        -- Create a temporary table for storing the discovered nodes as the algorithm runs
        CREATE TABLE #Discovered
             DiscoveredUser varchar(50) NOT NULL,    -- The Node Id
            Predecessor varchar(50) NULL,    -- The node we came from to get to this node.
            LinkStrength decimal(10,7) NULL, -- positive - from predecessor to  DiscoveredUser, negative - from  DiscoveredUser to predecessor
            OrderDiscovered int -- The order in which the nodes were discovered.

        -- Initially, only the start node is discovered.
        INSERT INTO #Discovered ( DiscoveredUser, Predecessor, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered)
        VALUES (@StartNode, NULL, NULL, 0)

        -- Add all nodes that we can get to from the current set of nodes,
        -- that are not already discovered. Run until no more nodes are discovered.
        WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0
            -- If we have found the node we were looking for, abort now.
            IF @EndNode IS NOT NULL
                IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Discovered WHERE  DiscoveredUser = @EndNode)

            -- We need to group by ToNode and select one FromNode since multiple
            -- edges could lead us to new same node, and we only want to insert it once.
            INSERT INTO #Discovered ( DiscoveredUser, Predecessor, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered)
            (SELECT mc.called_party, mc.calling_party, mc.link_strength, d.OrderDiscovered + 1
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN monthly_connections mc ON d. DiscoveredUser = mc.calling_party
            WHERE mc.called_party NOT IN (SELECT  DiscoveredUser From #Discovered) AND mc.link_strength > @LinkStrength
            SELECT mc.calling_party, mc.called_party, mc.link_strength * (-1), d.OrderDiscovered + 1
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN monthly_connections mc ON d. DiscoveredUser = mc.called_party
            WHERE mc.calling_party NOT IN (SELECT  DiscoveredUser FROM #Discovered) AND mc.link_strength > @LinkStrength

        -- Select the results. We use a recursive common table expression to
        -- get the full path from the start node to the current node.
        WITH BacktraceCTE(Predecessor,  DiscoveredUser, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered, Path)
            -- Anchor/base member of the recursion, this selects the start node.
            SELECT d.Predecessor, n. DiscoveredUser, d.LinkStrength, d.OrderDiscovered, 
                CAST(n. DiscoveredUser AS varchar(MAX))
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN users n ON d. DiscoveredUser = n. DiscoveredUser
            WHERE d. DiscoveredUser = @StartNode

            UNION ALL

            -- Recursive member, select all the nodes which have the previous
            -- one as their predecessor. Concat the paths together.
            SELECT d.Predecessor, n. DiscoveredUser, d.LinkStrength, d.OrderDiscovered,
                CAST(cte.Path + ',' + CAST(n. DiscoveredUser as varchar(30)) as varchar(MAX))
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN BacktraceCTE cte ON d.Predecessor = cte. DiscoveredUser
            JOIN users n ON d. DiscoveredUser = n. DiscoveredUser

        SELECT Predecessor,  DiscoveredUser, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered, Path FROM BacktraceCTE
        WHERE  DiscoveredUser = @EndNode OR @EndNode IS NULL -- This kind of where clause can potentially produce
        ORDER BY OrderDiscovered                -- a bad execution plan, but I use it for simplicity here.

        DROP TABLE #Discovered
        RETURN 0

我当前正在分析的图表(社交网络)有 28M 连接,并且在不忽略弱连接(使用 @LinkStrength 设置阈值)的情况下,执行运行了很长时间(到目前为止,我还没有得到任何结果,并将尝试让它运行过夜)。

无论如何,下一步是计算两个用户(大约有 300 万用户)之间的最短(最强)链接。我正在考虑使用 Djikstra 算法,但不确定是否可以在我当前使用的 PC(Quad CPU 2.66 GHz,4GB RAM)上分析此类网络,并且数据存储在 MS SQL Server 2008 数据库中。


  1. 是否可以执行 与上面的查询一样复杂的查询 描述图(28M 连接,3M 用户)在所描述的机器上 (2.66 GHz,4GB RAM)?
  2. 如果不可能的话,有什么办法吗? 其他可能的方法 执行时间可以减少 (例如,创建带有部分内容的表 结果)?
  3. 您有其他推荐吗 检测簇的算法 并计算最短路径 所描述的图表?




其次,您需要减少内存需求。这意味着首先为 VARCHAR(50) 提供一个短别名,例如 4 字节而不是 50 字节的 int。这将使您的速度提高 10 倍。

declare @tmpPeople table(
  ixPerson int identity primary key,
  UserNodeID varchar(50),
  unique(UserNodeID, ix) -- this creates an index
Insert @tmpPeople(UserNodeID) select UserNodeID from NormalPeopleTable
declare @relationships table(
  ixParent int,
  ixChild int,
  unique(ixParent, ixChild),
  unique(ixChild, ixParent)
insert @relationships(ixParent, ixChild)
select distinct p.ixPerson, c.ixPerson
from NormalRelationshipsTable nr
inner join @tmpPeople p on p.UserNodeID = nr.ParentUserNodeID
inner join @tmpPeople c on c.UserNodeID = nr.ChildUserNodeID

-- OK now got a copy of all relationships, but it is a fraction of the size
-- because we are using integers for the keys.
-- if we need to we can insert the reverse relationships too.



declare @p1 table(
ix int identity primary key,
ixParent int,
ixChild int,
nDeep int,
-- Need indexes
unique(ixParent, ixChild, nDeep, ix),
unique(ixChild, ixParent, nDeep, ix)
-- That's now indexed both ways. 
-- If you only need one, you can comment the other out.
-- define @p2 the same

insert @p1 (ixParent, ixChild, nDeep) select @ixUserFrom, @ixUserFrom, 0
insert @p2 ..... @ixUserTo, @ixUserTo, 0

-- Breadth first goes like this.
-- Just keep repeating it till you get as far as you want.
insert @p1 (ixParent, ixChild, nDeep)
p1.ixChild, r.ixChild, p1.nDeep+1
from @p1 p1 inner join @relationships r on r.ixParent = p1.ixChild
-- may want to exclude those already in the table
where not exists (
    select 1 from @p1 p1 
    where p1.ixParent = p.ixChild and p1.ixChild = r.ixChild

对于“从 Alice 到 Bob 的距离”,您并行执行两次搜索,并在 Alice 的搜索包含 Bob 的搜索中也包含的任何人时停止。这还会将您的时间缩短 n^2 倍,其中 n 是平均连接数。


关于sql - 分析大图 - 检索簇并计算最强路径,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4124441/


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