clr - CorFlags.exe/32BIT+ 如何工作?

标签 clr loader corflags

我想我的问题是关于 CLR装载机。我想了解 CorFlags.exe 背后的机制/32BIT+ 功能。

我们知道,当启动一个在 64 位 Windows 上设置了 Any CPU 标志编译的程序集时,它会作为 64 位进程启动。如果在该程序集上运行 CorFlags/32BIT+,它将作为 32 位进程启动。我认为这是一个令人着迷的功能。


  1. 它是如何实现的?
  2. 操作系统加载程序是否参与其中?
  3. 是否可以构建一个根据需要加载 32 位或 64 位 CLR 的自定义应用程序(我猜是非托管应用程序)?



我所知道的任何地方都没有对此进行详细记录,我只能向您指出相关的 MSDN 文章。是的,您的假设是正确的,Windows XP 及更高版本中的加载程序可以识别托管可执行文件。它会自动加载.NET加载程序垫片(c:\windows\system32\mscoree.dll),相关入口点是_CorValidateImage() 。链接的 MSDN 文章中的“备注”部分描述了将 32 位 .exe 文件转换为 64 位进程的机制:

In Windows XP and later versions, the operating system loader checks for managed modules by examining the COM Descriptor Directory bit in the common object file format (COFF) header. A set bit indicates a managed module. If the loader detects a managed module, it loads MsCorEE.dll and calls _CorValidateImage, which performs the following actions:

  • Confirms that the image is a valid managed module.
  • Changes the entry point in the image to an entry point in the common language runtime (CLR).
  • For 64-bit versions of Windows, modifies the image that is in memory by transforming it from PE32 to PE32+ format.
  • Returns to the loader when the managed module images are loaded.

For executable images, the operating system loader then calls the _CorExeMain function, regardless of the entry point specified in the executable. For DLL assembly images, the loader calls the _CorDllMain function.

_CorExeMain or _CorDllMain performs the following actions:

  • Initializes the CLR.
  • Locates the managed entry point from the assembly's CLR header.
  • Begins execution.

The loader calls the _CorImageUnloading function when managed module images are unloaded. However, this function does not perform any action; it just returns.

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